RSDB4DBh> for the history dump.Precondition
This program is only used in SAP systems running on IBM iSeries.
There is no output.
The default time intervals for the database monitor dump are defined asconstants in INCLUDE program RSDB4INX.
The default for the server on which the dump is initiated is the enqueueserver of the SAP system.
Note: The dump is always executed on the database server.
The FORM routines GET_CURRENT_SETTING and SAVE_SETTING are also used forthe database monitor configuration in report program RSDB400X (mainprogram of transaction ST04).
The dump is initiated in the FORM routine EXECUTE_DUMP by a call to theform DUMP_DBMON in report program RSDB4UPD. When the DUMP API is called,information about this dump execution is saved. This will be read andchanged by the merging process, that is, the execution of RSDB4UPD.