Description This program displays an overview of the available database workloadstatistics recorded by the memory-based SQL database monitor. The database workload statistics consist of:
- The number of user calls (that is, executed SQL statements) and the
numbers of the different types of SQL statements executed (for example,SELECTs, COMMITs, and so on)
- Statistics about how the database executed the statements (that is,
executed table scans, index creates, sorts, and so on). This report is used within transaction ST04, Detail Analysis Menu >, DB Monitor History>. The first screen displays an overview of time periods for whichstatistics exist. If you select one of these periods, details for this period are shown ona second screen. The numbers shown on this screen detail the workloadthat was recorded between two timestamps.Example: Timestamp User Calls 08.12.45 351 09.17.32 369 10.17.33 106 This means that between 8.12.45 and 9.17.32 369 statements wereexecuted. In the hour that followed, only 106 statements were executed.) This report is scheduled to run automatically to compute new workloadstatistics. The scheduling report is RSDB4DMP> whichis executed by the Autoabap SAPMSSY6> every NNNseconds. NNN is the value of the profile parameter rdisp/autoabaptime).You can specify the interval between two history dumps using transactionST04. These statistics are not deleted automatically. However, you can deleteweekly data from the display screen (second screen). You can schedule automatic deletion of these statistics by configuringthe SAPWLREORG entry for ID 'D4'.Precondition This program is only used in SAP systems running on IBM iSeries. Output This reports gives an overview of available database workload history . Technical-info The workload statistics are stored in table MONI. The workload statistics are available per day for all days of thecurrent week. For earlier dates the statistics are stored per week(information within these week is still available per day). The FORM routine PREPARE_MONIKEY details which keys are used for whichinformation. Information stored:
- MONI_LOGBOOK and MONI_LOG_TIMETABLE contain overview information that is
displayed on the first screen. This is information about: The number of history dumps recorded for particular days or weeks The first and the last day of the current week for which history dumpswere recorded and the number of dumps recorded. The first and last week for which history dumps were recorded and thenumber of dumps recorded.
- SQHIST_DATE, SQHIST_TODAY, SQHIST_TODAY_SUM contain information about
"today's" workload statistics: - SQHIST_DATE is the date of "today" - SQHIST_TODAY contains the workload statistics computed at each historydump - SQHIST_TODAY_SUM is the summation over SQHIST_TODAY - SQHIST_CURR are the statistics collected at the last history dump. Itonly contains statistics about what happend after the previous historydump timestamp (see FORM routine GET_HISTORY_DATA inRSDB4UPD>). If the value for "today" is found to be yesterday, then today'sinformation is stored by its date (which is now yesterday) and thestatistics currently collected are saved as "today's" statistics.
- SQHIST_DATE, SQHIST_DAY, SQHIST_DAY_SUM exist for each day of the
"current" week: - SQHIST_DATE is the date for which the statistics were collected - SQHIST_DAY contains the workload statistics computed at each historydump for this day - SQHIST_DAY_SUM is the summation over SQHIST_DAY If the "current" week is found to have past, all daily statistics aremoved to weekly data and saved. The "current" week's statistics areinitialized.
week for which statistics were recorded. - SQHIST_WEEK_DATE is the date of the week's first day - SQHIST_WEEK contains the workload statistics computed at each historydump of each day within the week. (That is, it contains SQHIST_DATE forall days within the week.) - SQHIST_WEEK_SUM contains the daily summary of statistics of the week.(That is, it contains sqhist_date_sum for all days of the week.)