Purpose You can use the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer to explore CRM BI Contentin the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse. However, CRM authorizationcriteria do not automatically operate in the standard SAP NetWeaverBusiness Warehouse. To apply CRM authorization criteria when using theBusinessObjects Explorer you can set up filter criteria for each CRMInfoProvider. The program Metadata for CRM Authorization in BW>(RSCXP_CRM_BI_AUTH) allows for setting up these filter criteria.Prerequisites The set-up of CRM filter criteria is one out of a series of stepsrequired to make the CRM InfoProviders available in SAP NetWeaverBusiness Warehouse Accelerator and SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. Notethat you have to perform these configuration steps to enable the CRMauthorization operation in SAP NetWeaver. For more information, see the SAP Solution Manager configuration contentfor SAP CRM under Basic Settings for Analytics> -> CRMAnalytics with SAP BusinessObjects Explorer>.Activities You can set up the InfoObject filtering manually or you can generate aproposal. If you set up the filtering manually, perform the followingsteps: Create an entry and use the input help to select an InfoProvider. Use the input help to select one of the InfoObjects contained in theInfoProvider. Specify to which type of authorization relevant attributes theInfoObject refers: Choose CRM Organizational Unit> if the InfoObject refers to anorganizational unit for the authorization. Choose CRM Business Partner Responsible> if the InfoObject refersto a business partner ID for the authorization. Set the filter criteria options for the InfoObject as follows: Check Manager >if the filter applies to managers; uncheck theoption if it applies to non-managers. Check Marketing> if the filter applies to marketing units. Check Sales> if the filter applies to sales units. Check Service> if the filter applies to service units. For example, if you check Manager >and Sales, >then a salesunit manager gets access to all business documents where theorganizational attribute refers to a sales unit. As a rule non-managerscan access all business documents where the employee responsibleattribute refers to the business partner ID of the non-manager. Choose Create Proposal >to generate a proposal for the InfoObjectfilter settings. The proposal is based on the following standardInfoObjects and navigational attributes:
- Responsible Organizational Unit in Sales >(0CRMSA_OG_R)
- Responsible Organizational Unit (Service)> (0CRMSE_OG_R)
- Employee Responsible >(0BP_RESPPER)
- Navigational attribute Marketing Org.> (0CRM_MKTELM__0CRM_MKTORG)
of InfoObject CRM Marketing Element (Campaign and Marketing Plan)>(0CRM_MKTELM)
- Navigational attribute Employee Responsible>
(0CRM_MKTELM__0BP_RESPPER) of InfoObject CRM Marketing Element(Campaign and Marketing Plan)> The proposal setting is generated by analyzing the BI Content along theInfoArea hierarchy. The InfoProviders are selected according to thefollowing criteria:
- Only InfoCubes and MultiProviders are taken into account.
- Only InfoProvider under InfoArea Customer Relationship Management
>(0CRM) are relevant.
- At least one of the above specified standard InfoObjects must be
included. The proposal's filter priorities are determined according to thefollowing criteria:
- InfoObjects referring to a sales unit are first priority.
- InfoObjects referring to a service unit have priority over InfoObjects
referring to a marketing unit.
- If the InfoProvider resides under InfoArea Service Analyses
>(0CRM_SERV), then InfoObjects referring to a service unit have firstpriority.
- If the InfoProvider resides under InfoArea Marketing Analyses>
(0MKTG), then InfoObjects referring to a marketing unit have firstpriority. In addition, Metadata for CRM Authorization in SAP NetWeaver BW>indicates whether an InfoProvider is already available in the SAPBusinessObjects Explorer. You can additionally assign fixed priority settings to specific users.Choose Settings for Specific Users>> to select a setting(from those you created before). When you have set-up the filters for all relevant InfoProviders you cancheck how the filter settings work with regard to specific users.Perform the following steps: RESET N1 Start program CRM Users in SAP BusinessObjects Explorer>(RSCXP_CRM_BI_AUTH) using ABAP Editor (transaction SE38). Enter the technical name of an InfoProvider you want to make availablein the explorer or use the input help to select an InfoProvider. ChooseExecute>. Select a user. Choose Details for CRM User>. Check the user's filter settings in the view CRM User Filters>. Choose Back>. Choose Show Messages>. In the view Displaylogs> check the list of messages, for example, on run-time errors.