Description This report is a XPRA for converting SAPconnect configuration data from3.1 to a chosen superior system. Important: This program can be repeated online as often as required.Since only several hundred table entries are changed, this XPRA is notcritical at runtime. The following tables are converted as described below: 1. SXCOS: a) Remove '*' as the node entry, make entry '*' for all nodes with nospecific entry for the relevant priority. b) Remove all COS entries with names other than 0,1,2 (send priority). c) Specify an available COS entry for all supported address types for a node. 2. SXFORMATG a) Determination of which nodes use a certain format group. The formatgroup is created for these nodes under the node name and the old entryis deleted. b) Enter an available FORMATG entry for all supported address types for a node. 3. SXNODES a) Set the ACTIVE flag for all nodes. 4. SXTELMOOUT a) Determine generic entries (node = '*'), copy these entries for allnodes (which support fax) and set the node name instead of '*'. 5. SXSERV a) Cancel the generic address type entry '*' in FAX, INT, X40 and RML. |