Overview - Test cases This program outputs a list of test cases. Select test cases by test case name, component assignment and personresponsible in the selection screen. The selection Component assignment> combines the selection fieldsApplication>, Subapplication> and Component> whichexisted until 4.0B. The three values are now connected in one fieldwith '-'. To restrict the selection e.g to application andsubapplication, enter 'AP-SUB*' in the new selection field componentassignment.
- Manual test cases>
If the Manual test cases> field is selected, all manual testcases which satisfy the above selection conditions are displayed.
- Modules and procedures>
The Modules> and Procedures> fields indicate whether youwant to see modules or procedures or both for the following types:
- Test case types>
You can flag automatic test cases as fields Automatic tests(CATT)>, Function module tests>, Remote R/2 tests>,System installation>, and External applications>.Output The list shows the test case, the person responsible, the type, aninactive flag and the short text for each entry. Manual test cases have the type "Manual", the text "Rel." after thetest module typ indicates that the release flag is set. Test modules without the release flag have no type entry. Test procedures are visible via a graphical symbol in this column . Thetraffic light symbol has three colors which indicate the test status:green means successfully tested, red means that errors occurred andyellow means untested. Click on the traffic light symbol to display the test status history. The functions 'Display', 'Change', 'Execute', 'Log', 'Test statushistory' and 'Where-used list' are available for the test case.