Title FUN use in CATT Purpose The report lists the FUN calls in CATT test cases. All test casesreferred to by the test cases specified are also taken into account. The function group, development class, source system and personresponsible for the function modules are listed. The list is sorted bydevelopment classes and function groups. If no function group isspecified, the function module is not in this system. Integration Features Selection The test cases which are to be searched with their referred test casesfor FUN calls, are passed in the usual form by SELECT-OPTIONS. Output The report can be called with SUBMIT RSCATFUN AND RETURN. The list created is available after return. You can display it with IMPORT tfun FROM MEMORY ID 'RSCATFUN'. Define the table tfun as follows: DATA: BEGIN OF tfun OCCURS 0, fbau LIKE catf-fbau, pname LIKE tfdir-pname, devclass LIKE tadir-devclass, srcsystem LIKE tadir-srcsystem, author LIKE tadir-author, END OF tfun. |