Purpose Program to deleted selected test cases. It is release-independentwithin limits, and can be used in almost any SAP R/3 System by copyingthe source text. Features Selection Select the test cases to be deleted by test case name with the usualselection options and the possible entries help which you know fromCATT. Output The result of the selection is displayed in a list which tells youwhether test cases could be deleted and any reasons why not, e.g. "Testcase is original in …" or "There are already references to test case……", as well as the test case names and titles. There are two types of refusals: 1. Test case cannot be deleted becausee.g. it is not original in the current system. 2. Test case should notbe deleted because there are still references in test cases which arenot listed or not to be deleted. Activities You can activate or deactivate copying for some or all test cases, ifthey can be deleted (s.o.). You can get details about the test case by clicking on the test casename. You can sort the list by columns in ascending or descending order. Itis sorted in ascending order by test case by default. Deletions from development classes are put in a transport requestspecified by the user. |