Purpose The result list of the report RSBCS_REORG (reorganization of documentsand send requests) contains many documents with the status "Link toApplication" that cannot be deleted. Background Applications can link application objects (such as documents) with thesend request when sending, for example to receive status informationafter sending. The link is implemented using the object relationshipservice. As long as the link exists, the corresponding send request isnot deleted. The sending application is responsible for deleting thelink. The report RSRLDREL cannot delete this type of link. Features You can use the report RSBCS_SREQ_UNLINK to find and delete linksbetween send requests and application objects. Selection The report contains selection options for creation date, linked objecttype and object ID, as well as creator and document title. Furthermore,the report can be started in test mode. Output If the "Detailed Output" flag is selected in the reportRSBCS_SREQ_UNLINK, all links are listed. If you double-click the objecttype, the linked object is displayed directly (as long as theapplication object provides a corresponding method). Double-clicking theother fields displays the corresponding document. Only use the "DetailedOutput" option if the result list will not be too large. Notes
- If there are many links, restrict the selection to a particular time
period to avoid performance issues.
- If the "Detailed Output" flag is set in RSBCS_REORG in the online run,
you can use the result list to determine the linked object types thatyou can specify in RSBCS_SREQ_UNLINK. If you double-click "Link toApplication", you get a list of send requests; if you double-click oneof the send requests, the linked object is displayed.
- The sending application has usually intentionally created a link because
the data of the send request is still relevant for the application. Thereport RSBCS_SREQ_UNLINK cannot determine whether the documents or sendrequests are still required by the application that created them.Therefore, always check first whether a reorganization of theapplication data or links is possible on the application side, since anychecks can be performed there. The links cannot be restored after aproductive run of the report.