Purpose The result list of the report RSBCS_REORG (reorganization of documentsand send requests) contains many documents with the status "Send RequestNot Yet Released" that cannot be deleted. You want them to be deleted. Background Applications can create send requests in the database and send themlater. The send requests are not released for reorganization until sentby the application. Alternatively, the application can delete the sendrequests instead of sending them. If a large number of send requests have the status "Send Request Not YetReleased", it is possible that these send requests are created by theapplication, but never released or deleted. You use report RSBCS_SREQ_RELEASE to find such send requests and releasethem, so that they can then be deleted by RSBCS_REORG. Features The report contains selection options for date of creation, creator, ordocument title. Furthermore, the report can run merely to display theselected documents in test mode. There is also an option to list eitherall selected documents or only the number of documents found for eachuser. The latter option is useful for very large volumes of data. Notes
- The report cannot determine whether the documents or send requests are
still required by the application that created them. Therefore, alwaysstart the report in test mode first and check the documents before yourelease the corresponding send requests using a productive run. Youcannot undo the release.
- The report only changes table BCST_SR, where it sets the status of the
found send requests to "Errors". The documents are not deleted untilreport RSBCS_REORG runs.
- Send requests can still appear in RSBCS_REORG with the status "Send
Request Not Yet Released" even after RSBCS_SREQ_RELEASE has run. Thesehave additional criteria which mean that they cannot be deleted(double-click the result list of RSBCS_REORG to display thecorresponding documents, double-click again to see the criteria). Thesesend requests are usually linked to application objects. For performancereasons, RSBCS_REORG does not check a link if other criteria have beendetermined.