SAP Program RSBCS_DELETE_MIME - Delete MIME Display of Send Requests (Table SBCMCONT1)

Deleting MIME documents.

Messages exchanged using SMTP are in MIME format. SAPconnect convertsthe internal document format to MIME format when sending, and to theinternal format when receiving. The exchanged MIME documents are notusually saved in the database. However, it may be useful to save thedocuments for administrative purposes or for later troubleshooting. Inthe default setting they are saved in table SBCMCONT1 and are deletedagain during reorganization using RSBCS_REORG. If you need to delete thedocuments independently of the other send data, you must use reportRSBCS_DELETE_MIME.


  • Delete MIME documents with no send request

  • The predecessor to RSBCS_REORG did not delete the MIME documentscompletely. This option can be useful to do this. It only deletes thosedocuments for which send data no longer exists.
    • Delete MIME documents that belong to a send request

    • This option deletes MIME documents of send requests that still exist.You can restrict the send date. Since it may be necessary to keepinbound MIME documents, you can also select the option
      Only Outbound Send Requests.
      • Test mode

      • If this field is selected, no changes will be made.

        Number of found or deleted documents.

1253870Table SBCMCONT1 is large