Purpose Release references to an address so that it can be deleted. Background You get an error message when attempting to delete a business partner orcontact person. This states that the address cannot be deleted becausethere are other references (for example, AM 266 # Personal Address NotDeleted (Other Reference)). The address can possibly not be deleted because it was previously usedas sender or recipient for e-mails, faxes, and so on. If an address is used in the Business Communication Services (BCS) (forexample, as the recipient of an e-mail), then a where-used list iswritten for this address. This reference establishes a connectionbetween the address and the document that was sent. The address can onlybe deleted when the connection no longer exists. Features You use report RSBCS_ADDRESS_REFERENCE to release references. Selection On the selection screen of the report you can select either a businesspartner or another address of your choice. The latter can either bespecified using the name or directly using the key of the BusinessAddress Services (address number, person number). Output During execution the report determines all uses in the BCS and displaysthem. Choosing 'Release References...# on the result screen takes you toa window with a security question. Depending on the uses, there aredifferent options available for releasing the references. Notes #Release References...# always refers to all objects displayed. It isirrelevant which object the cursor is on. After using a report it is possible that an address cannot be deleted.In this case it is likely that the address was used outside the BCS. Thereport does not find references of this type. Further Details on Releasing Address References: The following uses of an address in the BCS are possible and are foundand listed by the report: Use in documents (as sender or recipient) Use in business object RECIPIENT. Objects of this type are, for example,used for batch jobs with spool list recipients. But only those arelisted for which there is not yet a related document. For spool listrecipients, these objects are those for which the job has not yet run. Use in distribution lists Use in automatic forwards that users can set up in their personal officesettings (transaction SO12). In addition to these uses the report also lists the where-used liststhat are contained in table ADRVP or ADRV, depending on the addresstype. The report proceeds differently when releasing references. To avoidinconsistencies, the address is replaced with a direct address fordocuments. This means that the recipient of a document can be determinedeven after the address has been deleted. Direct addresses are used onlyby BCS. The report also makes it possible to reorganize the documents founddirectly. The same criteria are used here as for report RSBCS_REORG,that is, a document is deleted when it is no longer used. RECIPIENT objects are used in the application to save communicationaddresses with send attributes in the database for use later asrecipients. Since a RECIPIENT object should not be usable after deletingan address, the report replaces the address in RECIPIENT objects with aninvalid, direct address that contains the name of the original address.In this way, for example, the spool list recipient of a scheduled job isstill visible but sending to this address will result in an error. Theobjects themselves are not deleted by the report, to avoidinconsistencies in the application. The report can remove addresses from distribution lists and automaticforwards. This does not produce any inconsistencies. It is possible that only where-used lists and no related objects arefound because they have already been deleted. Previous versions ofSAPoffice Reorganization (of obsolete report RSSORE00) ignored thewhere-used lists inadvertently. These where-used lists are also deletedby the report. |