Title RSARCHD: Delete Phase in Data Archiving outside of ArchiveAdministration Purpose The program runs outstanding delete jobs for archive files fromincomplete, valid archiving sessions for an archiving object. Features Selection Object name>: Name of the archiving object for which delete jobsare to be run Max. number of files>: Maximum number of files for which deletejobs are to be created Max. number of sessions>: Maximum number of archiving sessionsfrom which files are to be selected Max. number of jobs>: Maximum number of delete jobs that can berun or scheduled at the same time (cross-client and cross-archivingobject) Started by>: Only archiving sessions that were run by thespecified user are selected Background user name>: User name that is used for authorizationchecks in connection with the delete jobs Test mode>: Do you want to use the test mode variant instead ofthe live run variant of the delete program? Wait for job end or termination>: Should RSARCHD run until allscheduled jobs end or at least one of them is terminated? (In the caseof a termination, RSARCHD is also terminated.) Process all files>: Should RSARCHD schedule delete jobs until thenumber of archive files indicated through the parameters Max. Number ofFiles and Max. Number of Sessions has been processed?Output Archiving object Name of the delete program Name of the variant used User for authorization check ________________________________________________________________________ ________________ Key for archive file, name of job created, ID number (for new session:)user who started session Activities When selecting archive files for which you want to create delete jobs,these are processed in the order in which they were created: The fileswith the smallest key from the session with the smallest number areprocessed first. Sessions marked for archiving with BC_ARCHIVE and sessions from anotherclient in a client-specific archiving object are not selected. Provided the maximum number of permitted delete jobs has not beenexceeded, the delete jobs are scheduled to be run immediately.Otherwise, they are not scheduled at all. If all files from <(><<)>n> sessions for selection are to be processedin parallel delete jobs, no delete job is created for a file fromsession . Delete jobs are carried out by the relevant server group if this hasbeen set up in cross-archiving object Customizing; the jobs aredistributed to the individual servers by the usual background processingsystem. The spool parameters for the delete jobs are specified either in a userdialog box or - if RSARCHD is running (even in the background) - theyare copied from the current job. The names of the jobs are different from those that were created fordelete jobs by ADK or SARA. Instead of using year and time, the first 10letters of the archiving key is used.Example Object name>: ,,,,EXAMPLE> Max. number of files>: ,,,,5> Max. number of sessions>: ,,1> Max. number of jobs>: ,,,,10> Started by>: %> Background user name>: ,,ARCHIE> Test mode>: Result> For the oldest incomplete archiving session for the archiving objectEXAMPLE, delete jobs are created for the oldest 5 files as long as notmore than 10 delete jobs are scheduled. The production mode variantdelete job is used that has been set up in Customizing for the archivingobject. It does not matter who ran the archiving session, but userARCHIE must have the required authorization for the delete jobs. Object name>: ,,,,EXAMPLE> Max. number of files>: ,,,,5> Max. number of sessions>: ,,1> Max. number of jobs>: ,,,,1> Started by>: %> Background user name>: ,,ARCHIE> Test mode>: Process all files>: ,,,X> Result> For the oldest incomplete archiving session of the archiving objectEXAMPLE, delete jobs are created for the oldest 5 files. At most onedelete job is always active. After the delete job has finished, a newdelete job is scheduled. The production mode variant of the deleteprogram entered in archiving-object-specific Customizing is used forthis. It does not matter who ran the archiving session, but user ARCHIEmust have the required authorization. |