Purpose This program releases InfoSet Queries for the Internet/Intranet.InfoSets (formerly: functional areas) are provided with anauthorization as a prerequisite for releasing the InfoSet Queries.There is an additional option of creating a URL with which you canexecute the query on the Web (output using MidiALV or MiniALV).Various output parameters can be included in the URL, and the Browsercan be started using the generated URL. Prerequisites Queries that you want to execute in the Web, have to have a specifiedauthorization group, for security reasons. The assigned InfoSet isassigned to an authorization group, and all the queries inherit thisauthorization group from the InfoSet. Features Initial screen On the initial screen, you set the query area for the SAP Query(client-dependent standard area, or client-independent global area).Using the corresponding pushbutton, you select the action you want tocarry out. Specifying authorization groups for InfoSets The InfoSets that need to be modified are displayed on the selectionscreen (single values / intervals / RANGES tables are all possible), aswell the authorization group that you want to specify. The function "Execute" (F8) selects all the relevant InfoSets, anddisplays them in a list. From this list, you choose the objects thatyou want to process, and process them using the "Authorizations Group"function. Both the generated version and the modified version of theInfoSet are modified. Finally, all the relevant queries are read and adjusted for themodified InfoSets. The next time you execute the query, the programbelonging to it is regenerated. If one of the InfoSets you choose already has an authorization group,this is not > overwritten. The Workbench Organizer is not called,and InfoSets that are delivered by SAP are not flagged as modified. A log is written for the actions that have been carried out. Any errorsthat occurred are included in this log.Releasing queries for the Internet/Intranet You use the SAP Query user groups or the assigned roles to select thequeries that you want to process. The "Execute" function (F8) selectsall suitable queries from the set query area, and displays them in alist. Use the functions "Release" and "Undo Release" to process thequeries in the list. A log detailing the actions that have been carried out is written. Generating URLs Only one query at a time is specified here (when the query is calledfrom the Query Builder, the query is already preassigned). You have to determine the output medium: MiniALV, MidiALV with orwithout selection screen. Additional options affect how the query iscalled (with a selection variant or a layout variant) and thepublication screen for the grid. Some of the options only apply to theMiniALV. You also have to specify the address of the ITS Web server, or createrelative path specifications, as used in Workplace. You are able to edit the generated URL, copy it to the clipboard, orstart the Browser directly using the URL. Activities |