In both cases, you have to perform similar actions. The objects to be transported must first be copied from the sourceclient using an export from the table AQDB into the transport tableTAQTS. At the same time, a transport request is created for thetransport system that includes all entries created by the export fromtable TATQS (transport dataset). The name of this transport requestconforms to the transport system naming conventions (sysKnnnnnn) and isincluded in the export log. The transport dataset is stored in the tableTAQTS under a key which matches the name of the transport request. If you are transporting within one SAP system (from one client toanother), you can import the transport dataset from the target client.The name of the transport request to use for this purpose is thatspecified during the export, since it should match the key of thetransport dataset in the table TAQTS. With this import, the transportdataset is read from the transport table TAQTS and inserted into thetable AQDB, where extensive checks ensure that there are no inconsistentstatuses in the table AQDB. If you are transporting from one SAP system to another, you must firstuse the transport system to release and export the transport requestgenerated by the export. This transports the transport dataset from thetransport table TAQTS into the target system. Then, you can import fromthe target client of the target system, as described above. The transport datasets generated by exports in the transport table TAQTSare not deleted after successful import unless this is explicitlyrequested. Therefore, you can import a transport dataset several times(when copying a functional area to several different clients, forexample). This report handles exports (generation of transport datasets), imports(reading of transport datasets) as well as the management (display anddeletion) of transport datasets. As transport action, you must specify one of the values EXPO (export),IMPO (import), SHOW (display transport dataset) or DELE (deletetransport dataset). If you select the 'Test only' parameter when exporting (no blankcharacters), the system determines only those queries, InfoSets and usergroups that would be selected according to the selections for transportdescribed below and generates an appropriate log. A transport dataset isnot generated in the table TAQTS. This allows you to check whether aselection really includes the queries, InfoSets and user groups to betransported. With exports, there are four different options for selecting objects(user groups, InfoSets, queries) to be transported. These are 'Transportof user groups', 'Transport of InfoSets', 'Transport of InfoSets andqueries' and 'Transport of queries'. You must choose exactly one ofthese transport types. In each case, you can also define an import option depending on thetransport type. This allows you to determine how the transport datasetis inserted in the table AQDB of the target client during a laterimport. The import options, each of which has an abbreviated syntax, are as follows: REPLACE or R MERGE or M GROUP=ug or G=ug (ug = name of a user group) UNASSIGN or U If you use the transport type 'Transport of user groups', all usergroups are transported according to the select option 'user groups' andthe selected import option. The import options REPLACE and MERGE areallowed. If you use the transport type 'Transport of InfoSets', all InfoSets aretransported according to the select option 'InfoSet' and the selectedimport option. The import options REPLACE, MERGE, GROUP=ug and UNASSIGNare allowed. If you select the transport type 'Transport of InfoSets and queries',all InfoSets are transported according to the select option 'InfoSets'and the selected import option. The import options REPLACE and MERGE areallowed. Also, all queries are transported for each functional areaselected, according to the select option 'queries'. In this case, theuser groups of the queries are irrelevant and only the import optionREPLACE is allowed. This transport type allows you to transport a modified InfoSet and allthe associated queries. For the transport type 'Transport of queries', all queries aretransported according to the select option 'User groups' and the selectoption 'Queries' as well as the selected import option. The importoptions REPLACE and GROUP=ug are allowed. The export log displays which user groups, which InfoSets and whichqueries are transported, as well as the import options used. Transporting a user group means transporting all members of the groupfrom the source client. However, the InfoSet assignment to the usergroup in the source client is NOT transported. The import option REPLACE first deletes all members of the group in thetarget client and then enters the members from the source client. The import option MERGE leaves all members of the group assigned in thetarget client and adds the members of the group from the source client. Entering a new member in a user group in the target client is possibleonly if a user master record exists. In the target client, the assignment of InfoSets to this user groupremains. Transporting an InfoSet means transporting the InfoSet and the InfoSetassignment to user groups in the source client. Importing an InfoSet is possible only if the same logical databaseexists in the target client. Extensive checking is also performed toensure that there are no inconsistencies between the InfoSet and thelogical database. The import option REPLACE first deletes the assignment of the InfoSet touser groups in the target client, provided there are no queriesdependent on the InfoSet. The InfoSet is then transported to the targetclient and the assignment of the InfoSet to user groups is copied fromthe source client, if user groups also exist in the target client. The import option GROUP=ug first deletes the assignment of the InfoSetto user groups in the target client, provided there are no queriesreferring to the InfoSet. The InfoSet is then transported to the targetclient and assigned to the user group ug of the target client, if such auser group exists. The import option MERGE leaves the assignment of the InfoSet to usergroups in the target client and transports it to the target client. Itthen copies the assignment of the InfoSet to user groups from the sourceclient if user groups also exist in the target client. The import option UNASSIGN first deletes the assignment of the InfoSetto user groups in the target client, provided there are no queriesreferring to the InfoSet. The InfoSet is then transported to the targetclient. No assignment of the InfoSet to user groups is performed. Transporting a query means only the query itself is transported. Importing a query is possible only if a corresponding user group (seebelow) and a corresponding InfoSet exist in the target client and if theInfoSet is assigned to the user group. To demonstrate the effect of theimport options, suppose that the query has the name QU and belongs tothe user group BQ in the source client. The import option REPLACE overwrites the query QU of the user group BQin the target client if the user group exists. The import option GROUP=ug overwrites the query QU of the user group UGin the target client if the user group exists. In this case, the queryis explicitly assigned to a user group in the target client. This targetuser group may be differnet from the user group in the source client. If you choose the 'Test only' parameter with imports, only a test importis performed. This means that the system performs checks as for a realimport and generates an import log. The import log contains informationon the locks that have to be set. With a test import, you can checkwhether a transport dataset can be imported without any problem andwhich changes it would make in the table AQDB of the target client. Atest import itself never makes changes in the table AQDB of the targetclient. All transport datasets are imported according to the select option'transport request'. In this case, the system outputs a detailed log ofall checks carried out and all changes made in the table AQDB. If you select the parameter 'Delete after successful import', thetransport dataset in the table TAQTS is deleted after the import of eachtransport dataset if no errors occur during the import. All transport datasets included in the transport table TAQTS are outputwith name (also the name of the transport request) and contents in theform of an overview. All transport datasets are deleted according to the select option'transport request'. To avoid unintentional deletion, the select option'transport request' must contain values, meaning that the transportaction DELE is not performed if this select option is empty. |