Title Special copy function for SAP Query Purpose This report has special copy functions that offer more than the normalcopy functions within the individual areas of SAP Query. The user hasto have authorization for managing queries (S_QUERY = 23). Set the query area in the selection screen: For the global area, entera 'G', for the standard area, leave the field empty. If you call thereport from InfoSet maintenance (as from Release 5.0) the current queryarea is displayed. If the test mode option has been selected, no changes are made to thedatabase, but checks are carried out, and the generated objects arelisted. This gives you an overview that shows if the option you want ispossible or not. You are able to copy a user group, an InfoSet, or a query. The term InfoSet is a synonym for functional area. The termfunctional area was changed to InfoSet for Release 4.6C.>Copying user groups together with the InfoSets and queries assigned tothem The option 'copy user groups' copies a user group to a new user groupthat does not exist, in order not just to copy the queries into the newuser group, but also to produce a copy of all the InfoSets used in theuser group. The new names for copied InfoSets start with a specified prefix, forexample, if the InfoSet is called 'Test', the copy is called'Copy_Test'. You are able to change this prefix. If the name of theInfoSet starts with a namespace, the namespace prefix is left out ofthe name of the copy (for example, /SAPQUERY/). You can specify a validnamespace in the 'prefix' field. If an InfoSet with the same name as the copy already exists, it is notoverwritten, and all the connected queries are not copied. Once a copy has been created successfully, the queries from the newuser group are assigned to the newly copied InfoSets. Copying InfoSets with selected queries,, This function enables you to copy an InfoSet along with all the queriesthat have been created using this particular InfoSet. The queries arecopied to the current user groups, and the copies are given a specifiedprefix (for example, query 01 beomes Copy_01). It is possible to changethis prefix. If a query with the same name exists already, the query isnot overwritten, and the copy of the original query is not executed.You can restrict the user groups in which the queries have been copied.If nothing is specified under 'Queries from User Groups', the dependentqueries are copied to all the user groups. Copying a query with a changed InfoSet A query is copied so that the assigned InfoSet can be changed. It is possible to copy the query only if the InfoSet contains all thefields that are used in the query, and these fields are assigned to thesame nodes. It is not permitted to assign an InfoSet that is based on alogical database, if the query was previously assigned to an InfoSetthat was not based on a logical database. It is also not permitted torefer a query that was defined using a logical database to an InfoSetthat was not created using a logical database. The copied query can be in the same user group, or a different usergroup. If the user group does not exist, it is created at the same timeas the copy is made. Features |