SAP Program RS005ADR - Set the field T005-XADDR

As of Release 3.0D, there is a new field 'Print country name' (XADDR)in the country table T005. This field can be used to control whetherthe license plate code or the complete country name is used in thepostal address for post to European countries, for each source country.The documentation of the fields Print country nameand Address structure key in the country tablecontains more detailed information.
The new field is delivered initialized. According to internationalpostal conventions, the field should have the value 'X' for mostcountries. Instead of an XPRA, the program RS005ADR is delivered forthis.
It contains a pre-set list of European countries which accept thelicense plate code in the address in post between them.
It deletes the 'Print country name' flag for these countries in T005and sets it for all other countries in the list. It can thus set theflag for fields which were delivered initial, and correct incorrectsettings.
It can change the settings for some or all clients at once.

The country code in the program is the default setting delivered bySAP.
If you use country codes which are different from those supplied by SAPin your country table (T005), or if you want to change the list ofcountries in the program, copy and modify the program as required.
The program sets no locks.
It contains the following country codes whose settings are deleted:
BA Bosnia-Herzegowina
BE Belgium
CH Switzerland
CZ Czech Republic
DK Denmark
ES Spain
FI Finland
FO Faroe Islands
FR France
GR Greece
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
IS Iceland
IT Italy
LI Liechtenstein
LU Luxembourg
MC Monaco
MK Macedonia
NO Norway
PT Portugal
RO Rumania
SE Sweden
SI Slovenia
SK Slovak Republic
SM San Marino
TR Turkey
VA Vatican State
YU Yugoslavia

The report lists the clients in the system. Clients can be chosen fromthis list. F11 = Save changes the settings in the chosen clients.
After saving, a list of the clients, sorted by the following criteria,is output as a log:
Successfully processed
Read error
Change error
A list of the country keys for which the flag was deleted or is initialin the successfully processed clients is output for control purposes.
The log list is only temporary, and is not saved. It can be printed ortemporarily saved in the spooler, if required.

40467Address print: Country name for European countries