SAP Program RS005ADDRS - Program RS005ADDRS

There are country-specific routines which format the correct postaladdress for printing. Which formatting routine is used is determined bythe three-character "Address format key" of the recipient country inthe country table T005 field ADDRS. Se also Addressformat key.
The program RS005ADDRS sets the key T005-ADDRS according to thefollowing list, sorted by format key, of countries with country code towhich the format key applies:
Format key '001': BE Belgium
BG Bulgaria
CZ Czech Republic
FI Finland
FR France
GR Greece
HU Hungary
IS Iceland
LI Liechtenstein
LU Luxembourg
MC Monaco
NO Norway
PL Poland
PT Portugal
SE Sweden
SI Slovenia
SK Slovak Republic
TR Turkey
VA Vatican state
Format key '002': IT Italy
Format key '003': NL Netherlands
Format key '004': US USA
Format key '005': CA Canada
Format key '006': GB Great Britain
IE Ireland
Format key '007': BR Brazil
Format key '008': SG Singapore
Format key '009': AU Australia
Format key '010': AR Argentina
CN China
CO Colombia
HR Croatia
IN India
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
VE Venezuela
Format key '011': CH Switzerland
Format key '012': ZA South Africa
Format key '013': JP Japan
Format key '014': AT Austria
Format key '015': DE Germany
Format key '017': KR South Korea
Format key '019': DK Denmark
The program can change the settings of some or all clients in one step.

The country codes in the coding are the defaults delivered by SAP.
If you use different country codes than those delivered by SAP in yourcountry table (T005), or if you want to change the codes, copy andmodify the program.
The program uses no locks.

The program lists the clients in the system. You can choose clientsfrom this list. F11=Save changes the settings in the selected clients.
After saving, a client list log is output, sorted by:
successfully processed
read error
change error
The log is temporary; it is not saved. You can print it or put ittemporarily in the spooler.