Purpose This filling report transfers the required data from the property treefor the substances to be tracked to the following tables in substancevolume tracking: INCLUDE CBRC_EHS_TABLES OBJECT DOKU ID TX The report evaluates material-substance assignments and transfers thesubstances that are to be tracked, together with their composition, intotable CCRCT_EHS_COMP. Data for substance-specific notification is transferred into tableCCRCT_EHS_REG. Data for specific limit values for the substance istransferred into table CCRCT_EHS_SLIMIT. This transfer is necessary so that the system can access the dataquickly when checking and monitoring substance volumes. This is pa rticularly important if the logistics and EH<(>&<)>S data is indifferent systems. If you maintain only representative roles and/or importer data using thetransaction Only Rep.: Ext. Business Partners>>or Only Representative: Internal Business Partners >> or Importer>> and want to transfer thedata to another system, you can do this by setting the indicator Transfer Substitute Data>>. Setting thisindicator is only necessary if you want to transfer the data for onlyrepresentative roles and importer data from one system, such as an EH <(>&<)>S system, to another system, such as a logistics system. If youexecute the filling report in the system in which you also store theonly representative roles and importer data, a transfer of the onlyrepresentative roles and importer data is unnecessary. Setting theindicator is, in this case, unnecessary. If you set the indicator,specify the corresponding logical destination.Prerequisites
- If the logistics and EH<(>&<)>S data is in different systems, you must
have defined the RFC destination.
- For the delta mode, you must have performed the initial run without
selection criteria (materials/specifications) once for each of theregulatory lists.
- You have specified function modules in the following fields in
Customizing for Substance Volume Tracking> under Specify Data Transfer (Property Tree)>>: Data Determination>> Data Assignment>> Save Data>>Features
- Both the initial run without selection criteria, and the delta run
should normally run in the background as planned jobs. These runs cantake a long time.
- You cannot define restricting selection criteria (materials or
specifications) during the delta run.
- The valid-from date is evaluated during the initial run if the initial
run is performed without selection criteria. The system then takes thisdate into account for the selected regulatory lists, and for all deltaand initial runs with selection criteria. As soon as an initial run isrepeated without selection criteria, the date of the initial run isevaluated.
- If the indicator Transfer Substitute Data
>> is set, the transfer occurs regardless of whether it is aninitial run or delta run. The filling program calls the BAdI method Filling of the OnlyRepresentative Data>> to transfer the only representative data andimporter data. In the default implementation, this method firstdetermines all only representative data and importer data from thesource system according to the specified regulation. The data isvalidated in the target system. The validation occurs in the BAdI method Validations ofOnly Representative Data>>. After the validation, the update of onlyrepresentative data and importer data occurs in the target system. Forthis update to occur, there must be a least one data record without anyerrors. All the existing data in the target system will be deletedduring the update and replaced by the transferred data. If there are noerror-free data records transferred, the update is not carried out.Activities
- You should only execute this report in initial mode with selection
criteria (materials/specifications) in exceptional circumstances, suchas for test purposes or for filling specific materials.
- In productive operations, execute a one-time initial filling and
schedule this report as a background job in delta mode. Make sure thatthe tables for substance volume tracking that are specified abovecontain no data before the initial filling. You can use programRREGCH_DEL_DATA (Substance Volume Tracking: Delete Data).
- A prerequisite for tracking report RREGCH_VT is that the report is
executed in initial mode without selection criteria.
- To restrict the number of materials to be filled, define suitable
selection criteria in Customizing activity Specify Selection Criteria for VolumeTracking>>.