Purpose You can use this report to determine the material documents that wereused to calculate the confirmed quantities during substance volume tracking (Report RREGCH_VT)>.Prerequisites In Customizing for Substance Volume Tracking>, you have completedthe following IMG activities and configured the required settings foreach relevant regulation:
- Check Prerequisites>
- Specify Scenario>
- Specify Selection Criteria for Volume
- Specify Data Transfer (Property Tree)>
All of the relevant material-substance relationships and substancecompositions must be transferred to the tables for substance volumetracking with the filling report RREGCH_FILL>.Selection
- Regulatory List>
Specify the regulatory list for which you want to determine the materialdocuments.
- Scenario>
The material documents are determined on the basis of the scenario. Inaddition, the associated logistics documents, such as the purchase ordernumber, are displayed according to the scenario.
- Year>
Enter a monitoring year if you want to determine the material documentsfor one specific year only. If you specify a year, only materialdocuments are considered that were posted in this year.
- Determination date>
Enter a determination date if you want to determine the materialdocuments for one specific day only. If you specify a determinationdate, only those materials are considered where the posting date matchesthe determination date. For performance reasons, you should always specify either a year or adetermination date. Note that only the determination date is consideredif you specify both a year and a determination date as selectioncriteria.
- Material>
Specify the material for which you want to determine the relevantmaterial documents. With production scenarios, note that materialdocuments are also determined for the material types that are part ofthe respective production or process order. Only those materials areconsidered whose substance composition includes at least one substancethat is also contained in the substance composition of the specifiedmaterial.
- Plant>
Specify a plant if you want to determine material documents for aspecific plant only. Note that specifying a plant can improve perf ormance considerably.Output In addition to the material documents found, the associated documentnumbers are displayed in accordance with the selected scenario>. The material quantities are also split among the relevantsubstances in line with the substance composition. The substance quantit ies are divided into individual columns and each column that contains asubstance quantity uses the substance ID as a header. If you want to compare the results of this report with the quantitiesfrom the Substance Volume Tracking: Monitoring>transaction (CBRC20), refer to the Volume Determination> sectionof the documentation for substance volume tracking. In this case, you should note in particular that, in substance volumetracking for the production scenarios, the produced and consumedquantities are cleared for each order, for example, the substancequantity of an order is not considered if it is negative (<(><<)>=0).This report does not use this type of clearing. It simply outputs thematerial documents that are relevant for substance volume tracking.