Purpose This program calculates the average of a tracked quantity and writes thecalculated average into the table EHS: Calculated Average>(CCRCT_CALC). In the standard system, this program calculates the three-year averagefor preregistered phase-in substances. In addition, it is also possibleto calculate other averages by exchanging the standard function modulesfor customer-specific function modules. For information about this, seethe Features section.Integration You can display the calculated average values in the transactionSubstance Volume Tracking: Monitor Average>.Prerequisites
- You have executed the program Substance Volume
Tracking: Data Transfer from Property Tree>, and you have transferredall required data from the property tree of the substances to monitorinto the table for substance volume tracking.
- You have executed the program Substance Volume
Tracking: Tracking of Substance Quantities>, and you have determinedthe quantities of substances to monitor that are necessary for theaverage calculation. To calculate the 3-year average, you must firstdetermine completely the quantities for the three previous years. If youwant to determine the 3-year average for 2009, for example, then thesubstances for the years 2006 to 2008 must already be completelydetermined. Note that the quantities must exist in the tables ofsubstance volume tracking in order to calculate the average. Thequantities cannot yet be deleted with the programSubstance Volume Tracking: Save TrackedQuantities in Property Tree>.
- You have authorization to display the substance data for the required
regulation (authorization object C_EHSRC_SV): Activity Change>(02) for the process Monitor> (03)). To calculate the average value, the system performs the following steps: Determination of the relevant years In the standard system, the function module CBRC_CALC_YEARS_DET> is called for this. Determination of relevant substances per regulatory list In the standard system, the function module CBRC_CALC_SUBS_DET> is called for this. Filter of substances per regulatory list, dependent on EHS data (forexample, filter by specific characteristics) In the standard system, this step is not executed, because data from theEHS system is not necessary for the determination of the relevantsubstance. You can find an example implementation of this step in thefunction module CBRC_CALC_SUBS_FILTER>. Determination of relevant quantities per regulatory list In the standard system, the function moduleCBRC_CALC_TRACKING_DATA_GET> iscalled for this. Calculation of the average per regulatory list In the standard system, the function module CBRC_CALC_AVERAGE> is called for this. Saving of the calculated averages into the table EHS: CalculatedAverage> (CCRCT_CALC). In the standard system, the function module CBRC_CALC_AVG_SAVE> is called for this. In addition to calculating the 3-year average for preregistered phase-insubstances, it is also possible to calculate customer-specific averageswith this program. For this, you must create a customer-specificprogram. In the customer-specific program, you must also call theprogram RREGCH_CALC with the SUBMIT command>, andsupply the invisible parameters for the individual steps with thecustomer-specific function modules that you require. The followinginvisible parameters can be supplied by a customer-specific program: Parameter,,Standard Value,,Description nu_years,,3,,Number of years relevant for the average calculation fcyears,,CBRC_CALC_YEARS_DET,,Determination of the relevant years fcsubs,,CBRC_CALC_SUBS_DET,,Determination of the relevant substances fcfilter,,,,Substance filtering fcgetdat,,CBRC_CALC_TRACKING_DATA_GET,,Determination of the substancequantities fccalc,,CBRC_CALC_AVERAGE,,Calculation of the average value fcsave,,CBRC_CALC_AVG_SAVE,,Save the average value Note: If you specify your own function modules, their interfaces mustmatch those of the standard function modules.Selection Supplemental to the mandatory fields Regulatory List> and Year>>, the following optional parameters forrestricting the average calculation are available:
- Monitored substance>>
- Company code>>
- Logical Destination>
Filtering substances relevant for the average calculation can depend onEHS data. In the standard system, however, the filter is not executed.If you want a customer-specific filter that is dependent on EHS data,you must execute this step in the EHS system. If you want to access datain another system from this function module, you enter the relevantdestination in the Logical Destination> parameter.