Purpose Messages are collected and written to application logs during substancevolume tracking. The logs are assigned to different subobjects accordingto the action where the message occurs. Messages for online checksreceive the corresponding scenario category as a subobject. You use this program to display these messages. Select a subobject and a time period. Using the Additional Information> indicator, you can displayadditional technical information, such as information for the calledfunction modules. In this transaction, you can use a hierarchical view to display logs forareas that have a high number of messages, such as in substance volumetracking. Select the relevant subobject. If you display the logs forseveral subobjects using placeholders, then you cannot use thehierarchical view. Using the parameter key value, you can restrict the log display foronline checks to logs for one material. Specify the complete key value,such as EBELN-EBELP4500000005-00010>, or replace unknown partswith placeholders. For example, if you only know the material-documentnumber, enter *4500000005*>.Integration This program is used in the transaction SubstanceVolume Tracking: Logging>>. Alternatively, you can display themessages using the transaction Evaluate ApplicationLog>>. Here, you choose the object EHSVT. |