Purpose You can use this program to determine which inspection characteristicswere inspected using a specific test equipment. The program creates a list of inspection lots with the respectiveinspection characteristics. You may need to determine these characteristics if test equipment isrejected during calibration. Prerequisites The following prerequisites must be met to use this program:
- The pieces of test equipment are defined as equipment master records in
the system. Pieces of equipment of the same category reference the same materialmaster in the equipment master using the field 'Construction type'.
- In the task list (inspection plan, routing etc), either the equipment
or the material is defined as a production resource/tool at operationlevel. (Since it is generally not known in inspection planning whichphysical sample will be used, planning occurs as a rule at the level ofthe material master.) The test equipment is assigned to the inspection characteristic in"General data" (optional). The performing work center is defined in the operation.
- The usage site for the test equipment is updated in the field 'Work
center' for the test equipment when it is used or rejected because ofcalibration. (In Customizing, the field 'Work center' (PPSID) should bedefined as 'history-related' under 'Equipment Usage'.)Features The program lists all the instances of when the test equipment is usedin work centers that are contained in the usage list for the equipment. It is not important whether planning was made at material or equipmentlevel. If there are 2 pieces of test equipments with the same constructiontype in the same work center and planning was made at material level,the program cannot decide which piece of test equipment was used. Inthis case, both usage periods for the test equipment are displayed inthe list. Note If you want to use this program regularly, you should activate thedeactive index U (internal order number) for file QALS (inspection lot)to improve performance. Inform your system administrator. Use the F1 help for information on the selection parameters.