Purpose You can use this report to create a list of all dates for selectedtesting schedule items for stability studies. Only active testingschedules are considered during selection. Integration This report is based on the evaluation "Scheduling Overview (ListForm)" (IP24). Selection You can restrict the selection using testing schedule items, inspectiondates, and inspection plan data. You can restrict the selection according to materials using the"Additional Selection Criteria" screen area. If you set the option "Select Work Centers", you can also restrict theselection according to work centers. In this case, the system willoutput one line per date, testing schedule item (storage condition),and work center. If you do not set the option "Select Work Centers", you cannot restrictyour search according to work centers. If you have maintained workcenters as a selection criterion, they will not be taken intoconsideration in this case. The system produces one output line per date and testing schedule item. Standard_variants SAP delivers the standard selection variant SAP&TCODE_QST0. When the transaction or the report is called, the start selectionvariant is determined in the sequence listed below. As soon as thesystem finds a variant, it uses this as the start selection variant. Ifthe system cannot determine a selection variant, the report is calledwithout a variant.
- Is there a user-specific variant with the name U_<(>
<<)>Benutzer> ?,,,,,,No? ->
- Is there a customer-specific variant with the name CUS
Tcode_?,,,,no? ->
- Is there a customer-specific variant with the name CUS&<(>
<<)>sy-tcode>?,,,,,,No ->
- Is there a SAP-specific variant with the name SAP_TCODE_<(>
<<)>sy-tcode>?,,,,,,No? ->
- Is there a SAP-specific variant with the name SAP<(>&<)>TCODE_