Purpose This list contains all inspection plans that are released and have thesame maintenance strategy as the maintenance plan from which theselection was called. If the report is called using transaction QST04, then inspection plansfrom other maintenance strategies can also be listed. The "SelectInspection Plan" function is not available in this case, since thereport was not called from the maintenance plan, and therefore noinspection plan should be selected. Selection On the selection screen, you can implement certain restrictions toreduce the number of inspection lots that will be included in the listoutput. The selection field for the maintenance strategy is only available forinput if the report is called using transaction (QST04). If the reportis called from the maintenance plan, the selection field will bealready contain the corresponding maintenance strategy. Standard_variants SAP delivers a standard variant. However, you can create user-specificvariants. Therefore, the system first checks whether a user variantexists in the form 'u_'. If no such user variant exists, thesystem checks whether a customer variant in the form 'CUS ' exists. if this variant also does not exist, thesystem will use the standard variant. You can fetch, display, delete, or save such variants using the path"Goto -> Variants". There is also a button available in the applicationtoolbar that displays existing variants.Output The selection screen shows a hierarchical list, in which an inspectionplan is to be selected. If there was no layout selected on theselection screen, then the standard layout is used. This standardlayout is fixed. In the hierarchy in the left screen area, the tasklist group and the group counter are displayed on the first level, andthe operations associated with these are displayed on the second level. In the right screen area, the data related to the relevant operationsis listed. In addition, the short text for the inspection plan appearson the first level. Since the output of packages is limited to 15fields, there is an additional field (Additional Packages), whichcontains an "X" if there are more than 15 packages. Activities As the operations are part of an inspection plan, an inspection plancan only be selected at the highest level. You just need to choose thenode to select or to deselect the inspection plan. To highlight acomplete line, click on the folder icon on the first level, or thedocument icon on the second level. Standard functions (for example, search, expand several hierarchylevels, print, ...), and application-specific functions (for example,select inspection plan, perform excel download, display inspectionplan, ...) are available in the toolbar, which is located just abovethe column headers. You can use the function "Select Layout..." in the toolbar to adapt thelist to suit your requirements. You can, for example, hide or showcolumns. You can also totally reorganize the order of the columns. Youcan use the entry "Manage Layout..." to make a default setting thatallows you to use a particular layout as the standard layout for everylist output. |