Purpose You can use this report to output a list of stability studies. You canuse this list to display, amongst other things, the stability historyfor each study. Integration The basis for this report is the report RQMELL10, which is used tocreate the list of notifications for display or change purposes (seetransactions QM10 and QM11). In this program, you can select using the fields of the logicaldatabase QNQ. Fields for the batch, plant, primary packaging, and thecycle start are also available. Prerequisites Stability studies must exist in the system. Selection You should use a report variant (for example, the standard variant) toselect the existing stability studies. This variant should at leastrestrict the relevant notification types, and it would be beneficial ifit also used a time frame and the status of the studies. In addition,you can use a status selection profile to determine the user statusesthat the notifications to be selected should have. The fields for selection stem from the logical database QNQ, and aresupplemented by the batch, plant, primary packaging, and cycle startfields. Standard_variants The report variant SAP&TCODE_QST0 is available as the standard variant.In this variant, the notification types QS and QR are preassigned, asthese are the notification types delivered by SAP that are used forstability studies. In this standard variant, fields for notification partners are hidden,as they have no relevance in stability studies. Output List The system creates a list according to the selection criteria that youchose on the selection screen. You should use a layout for performancereasons. You can adapt the layout to suit you requirements. Create list layout On the list screen, select the required fields under Settings -->Layout --> Change.... Save the layout under Settings --> Layout --> Save... Result: You can choose your new layout on the selection screen. Activities List functions You can:
- Sort a column in ascending or descending order.
- Set and delete a filter.
- Adjust columns when scrolling sideways.
- Optimize the width of the columns so that the columns are as wide as
the longest text content.
- Switch between change and display mode using the Display/Change
- After selecting an entry, call up the associated stability study or the
stability history for the study.