Description The report program RQRQRB00 loads inspection lot information from thearchive and prints the inspection results for the lots. The data cannotbe reloaded into the system. In the standard system, the SAPscript form QM_INSP_RESULT is providedfor this purpose. For more information on this form, see the corresponding documentation. You can select lots with different lot origins. Program Run:> The form is printed at the beginning of the run. If you do not enter anarchiving run, a dialog box appears, containing the archiving runsrelevant to this archving object. You can choose one or several runs. For each lot, the system writes a complex data object G_LOS of the typeT_LOS that is printed at the time of GET QALS LATE. This structure isdependent on the origin of the relevant lot. For production lots, forexample, the system makes entries for different parts of the complexobject than for goods receipt lots. Once a lot has been printed, the object is initialized again. For each lot, printing of the form is started and completed by thefunction modules START_FORM and END_FORM. Printing of the form ends when all lots have been printed. Options for Print Control:> On the selection screen, you have the following options for printcontrol:
- You can define whether inspection descriptions that have been entered
during results recording are to be printed.
- You can define whether long texts are to be printed for:
Inspection characteristics Usage decisions Lots or partial lots
- You also have the option of printing any defects that exist for the
- Using the Partial lot view for prodcution lots> indicator, you
can define whether partial lots are to be added as an additionalhierarchy level (for lots in an inspection during production,inspection lot origin '03'). If you set the indicator, the following hierarchy applies to the print: Lot -> Partial lot (n) -> Operation (n) -> Inspection point (n) ->Characteristic (n) Otherwise, the following structure applies (default): Lot -> Operation (n) -> Inspection point (n) -> Characteristic (n) In this view, a short description of the partial lot is displayed foreach inspection point that has a partial lot assigned. In the partial lot view, the inspection point is printed for thepartial lot, to which the inspection point was assigned in the lastoperation. In addition, only the inspection points that have beenprocessed in all> operations are printed. A print with partial lot view, is therefore only advisable for theinspection lots, for which the usage decision has been made. This indicator has no effect on the representation of inspection lotsthat are not subject to an inspection during production, (whose originis '03').
- The indicator Single values / Classed values> helps you to decide
whether the results for characteristics with original value or classedrecording are to be printed in addition to the summarized information.
- You can activate the Samples> indicator, if you want to print the
sample data for characteristics with independent multiple samples. Ifthe Single values / Classed values> indicator is set, data on thesingle and classed values is printed in addition to the summarized dataon the samples.
- To save space, in the standard system no data is prepared and printed
for empty classes. To print this data, activate the Empty classes > indicator.
- You can also use a different form from the one contained in the
standard system QM_INSP_RESULT. To do this, create and activate a new form and then enter it on theselection screen. When creating the new form, use the standard form as a copy model,since the function module WRITE_FORM that prints the text elements isonly called for the text elements in this form. If you want to print other text elements, you must modify the program.
- If you set the Print dialog indicator, you define whether the print
dialog appears before the inspection results are printed. On thisscreen, you can specify, for example, the output device or switch tothe print preview. If you do not set this indicator, the output deviceis take from the user master and you cannot switch to the printpreview. If there is no output device defined in the user master, theprint dialog screen always appears.