Purpose This program allows manual or semiautomatic synchronization between EH <(>&<)>S specifications and inspection plans. Integration You can navigate to the specification or inspection plan bydouble-clicking the initial icon of a node in the tree. Prerequisites You have already created inspection plans for the respectivespecifications in the transaction QP21S. Selection Taking the selection criteria into account, all specification/inspectionplan combinations were selected for which changes were made to thespecification that have not yet been checked. In background processing, the user stored in the selection field P_AGENTis notified by e-mail if synchronization is required. Output The program outputs all specification changes that were made after thelast time changes to the inspection plans were confirmed. Activities RESET N1 Check all changes to the specification for their relevance to theinspection plan. Make the corresponding changes in the inspection plan. For propertiesand material assignments, you can also start a semiautomatic s ynchronization if a checkbox is available for selection. Note that with the semiautomatic synchronization in the inspection plan,material/plan assignments or dependent characteristic specifications canonly be created or changed, but never deleted. When you are finished, confirm that you have taken the specificationchanges into account. The system then sets the current time as the time stamp and takeschanges to the specification into account that were made after thispoint in time. |