Purpose This report is used to select any inspection lots that have digitalsignature processes in the results recording area. All open or allclosed signature processes are read using the list settings. Openprocesses exist if the QM material authorization was characterized by amultilevel signature process in the results recording area. After carrying out the selection, the system returns a list containingall lots that have a signature process, and the assigned processes. All characteristics that were closed and signed at the same time duringresults recording are summarized in one process. The following data is displayed:
- Inspection lot line
Inspection lot number Material number Valuation of the usage decision screens
- Process line
Icon to display the status of the digital signature Process number: This number is made up of various internal data(internal operation number, sample number, characteristic number, in spection lot number ...). It is used to obtain a clear classificationkey. This number is not relevant for the user. Operation number: operation number for inspection lot
- Characteristic line
Characteristic number Characteristic description Important information for characteristic (valuation, status, targetvalue, downward tolerance, upward tolerance, unit of measurement, codegroup/ selected set, plant, to-be checked, checked, number above, numberbelow, number of defects, average(s), variance, code group, code, shorttext, inspector, start date, end date) You have the following options:
- Double click on the inspection lot line
Branches to the transaction used to display inspection lots
- Double click on the process line
Displays all completed signatures for the process
- Expand process line
Displays characteristics assigned to the process with characteristicdata
- Double click on the characteristic line
Displays single screen for characteristic TheSign > button can be used to display all characteristics forthis process. The signature process is continued using the Sign>function. A notification is returned stating whether the characteristiccan be closed, or whether further signatures are required. The processsymbol is updated when you go back to the list display. Note the following special feature in the Force Completion>function if all required users have signed:
- If errors occur during completion and you leave the dialog box using
Cancel>, the whole signature process must be restarted. This meansthat you must call the results recording transaction in order to close t he relevant characteristics again and to sign.
- If errors occur during completion and you leave the dialog box using
Force Completion>, the system starts a completely new signatureprocess for any characteristics that were selected for the ForceCompletion> function. The new signature process is both started andclosed using transaction QEDS. If more than one characteristic belongsto a process, a new signature process is only started for those thatwere selected in the Force Completion> function. This does notaffect any characteristics that the system could be closed. In thiscase, a new process line is inserted into the tree.