Description You use this program to create a quality certificate for aninspection lot>. The following parameters are available:
- P_LOT for the entry of an inspection lot> (logical required
- P_PTYPE (background) for the entry of a certificate recipient type
> This parameter can be filled, if the program is automatically calledup, for example, by "submit and return."
- P_PARNR for the entry of a certificate recipient >
This parameter is ready for input, provided you selected one of therecipient types "Customer number," "Customer contact person," or"Vendor number," via the pushbutton Choose recipient>. If you choose the address type "User-definable address," a dialog boxappears, in which you can enter an address of your choice. When youtransfer the data, the first few characters of the name are copied intothe field P_PARNR. The field can no longer be changed. Note > If you previously selected a master record as recipient, the masterrecord data is copied into the free address as a default value. In addition, the invisible parameter, P_FREEAD, is filled for thisrecipient type. This is done so that the data can be saved as avariant. If you choose recipient type "No recipient," the field P_PARNR is leftblank.
- P_SPRAS for the entry of the language> used for the certificate
This parameter is displayed, provided you selected a recipient type viathe pushbutton Choose recipient>. The field is ready for input, if you selected one of the followingrecipient types: "Customer number," "Customer contact person," and"Vendor number." Note > If you do not enter anything in this field, and you already selected acustomer, for example, the language defined for the customer isproposed from the customer master record. You can change the language. For recipient type "User-definable address," only this field isdisplayed. In this case, there is a required field for entering thelanguage in the dialog box for entering the address. For recipient type "No recipient," parameter P_SPRAS becomes a requiredfield.
- P_ARMOD for entering the archiving mode > (print only / archive
only / print and archive) An entry is mandatory. The system proposes "print only." The inspection lot is stored in the optical archive (business objectBUS2045). You can use the function "Object links" to display thearchived certificate in the inspection lot transactions.
- P_MEDIUM for entering the transmission medium>.
You can print a certificate or send it by fax. If you select "Fax," a further parameter appears, P_TELFX, for entry ofthe fax number. As in parameter P_SPRAS, you can have the fax numberproposed from the appropriate master record (the customer masterrecord, for example).
- P_DIALOG for controlling foreground/background processing >
If you mark this parameter, program messages or the processing log aredisplayed on the screen. In addition, a dialog box containing the printparameters is displayed before the certificate is printed.
- By clicking the pushbutton Other profile>, you can assign a
certificate profile. When you do so, the parameter P_FREEPR is set inthe background. Remember that only released> certificate profiles may beassigned. You enter the certificate profile key in the following threeparameters: P_QCVNR: certificate profile number P_QCVKT: certificate type P_QCVKV: version The text on the pushbutton changes to Automatic profile>. Thismeans that you can cancel the selection of the other profile and havethe system search for the certificate profile automatically. In thiscase, a valid certificate profile assignment must exist.