SAP Program RP_CRM_IPM_ADJUST_BILLPLAN_MP - Adjust the billing plan for Multiple Payees

You use this report to update license acquisition contracts so that youcan use the IPM: Multiple Payees (F_IPM_MP
) feature. This is necessary for acquisition contracts that werecreated before you activated the multiple payees function. In theseacquisition contracts, the Payment Distribution assignment blockis not available on the user interface.
You have made the settings in ConfigureSettings for Multiple Payees.
Acquisition Contract Number: You must choose a valid IPM acquisitioncontract (object type BUS2000231). Note that the system allowsyou to choose a contract of any object type, but the report onlyprocesses documents with the BUS2000231 object type.
If the system cannot find the contract number you enter, an errormessage displays. If the report creates the appropriate billing plan formultiple payees (usage P - Payment Distribution) in the contract,a success message displays.
If the acquisition contract already has a billing plan assigned at theheader level, and this billing plan is not for multiple payees (usageP - Payment Distribution), the following conditions occur, eventhough a success message displays:
  • The report does not create the appropriate billing plan type for
  • multiple payees.
    • The Payment Distribution assignment block does not display in the
    • contract.