Description The time ticket results, cumulations, and results in individualincentive wages are recalculated if changes have been made to thecustomizing settings for the premium formulas. Changes made to the parameter values in customizing are only updated ifthe overwrite> indicator is not activated in the view Assignparameters to premium formulas>. If the overwrite> indicator isactivated for a parameter, changed parameter values are retained in thetime ticket maintenance screen. The retroactive accounting date for payroll is set for each personnelnumber. It does not overwrite the earliestrecalculation date> for incentive wages, however. Periods before theearliest recalculation date are skipped and are not logged.Precondition The Update> switch must be set if you want the database to beupdated. You require authorization to read the Organizational Assignment>(0001) and Payroll Status> (0003) infotypes for all personnelnumbers in each group. Read authorization is required for cluster L1. You require write authorization for cluster L1 if you want the databaseto be updated.Output You can obtain a detailed output by selecting one of the options under"Log." The values are shown for each personnel number and period. Thevalues can have one of the following statuses:
- Old value
- New value
- Value unchanged
- If the Display time ticket results> switch is activated, a table
showing the original and new time ticket results is displayed.
- If the Display period results> switch is activated, a table
showing the original and new cumulations and results is displayed.
- If the Display result types> parameter is activated, a table
showing the original and new result types and parameters is displayed. If none of these switches is activated, a status is displayed for eachpersonnel number and period:
- "Current"
The results are correct and are not changed.
- "To be updated"
The results have changed but the database has not been updated.
- "Updated"
The new results have been written to the database.
- "Locked"
The data could not be locked; evaluation must be repeated.
- "No authorization"
You are not authorized to read the employee's OrganizationalAssignment> infotype for the relevant period.
- "Prior to earliest recalculation date"
The number of data records that were recorded prior to the earliestrecalculation date. This data is not updated. Summarized statistics are displayed at the end.