Description This report reorganizes the interface table between Logistics and HumanResources (HR). You can start the report in either normal run> or special run > modes. Once started, however, the report runs in normal run>.If you want the report to be carried out in special run mode, activatethe Special run> box. In normal run> mode, you can delete the following groups ofconfirmations from the interface table:
- Retrieved confirmations without cancellations
- Unretrieved confirmations with cancellations
In special run> mode, you can delete the following groups ofconfirmations from the interface table:
- Incorrect confirmations without cancellations
- Incorrect confirmations with cancellations
- Retrieved confirmations with cancellations
- Cancellations without originals
The interface table can also contain unretrieved confirmations withoutcancellations. These confirmations are not taken into considerationduring reorganization.Procedure Restrict the number of confirmations, if necessary, by maintaining theappropriate selection criteria. Select the type of confirmations by entering the required number of daysin the retrieved and prior to> field. All confirmations which takeplace prior to this day are reorganized. Select Update>, if you want to delete the confirmations andcancellations from the interface table. Otherwise, the report is run fortesting purposes only and the inferface table remains unchanged. In the Number of data records> field, enter the number ofconfirmations you want the system process at one time. The database isthen updated each time the system processes the number of confirmationsyou indicated in this field. To display the selected confirmations, select the corresponding box.