Description This report creates a batch input session to retrieve confirmationsusing the interface table between the Logistics and Human Resources(HR) application components. Confirmations retrieved are stored eitheras time tickets or as attendances in one session. It is often necessaryfor confirmations from Plant Maintenance (PM) and Project System (PS)to be handled as attendances, because the labor utilization rate is notnecessarily calculated there. Confirmations from Production Planning(PP) are posted as time tickets in Incentive Wages if a determinationof the labor utilization rate is needed for the employee'scompensation. Procedure Restrict the amount of confirmations to be retrieved, if necessary, bymaintaining the appropriate selection criteria. Select the posting destination: Time Tickets>: A premium time ticket is produced in the standardsystem (time ticket type 01). Attendances>: The attendance type cam be entered in thetype> field. Enter a session name. Select update>, if you want to update the database and create abatch input session. If not, then a report for testing purposes startsthe interface table remains unchanged. Enter the number of confirmations that you want to process at one timein the Number of data records> field. After workingon this number of confirmations, the system updates the database andcreates a batch input session. Select the Display confirmations> field if you want to see a logof the selected confirmations.Notes The report logs in an interface table if the confirmations weresuccessfully put into a batch input session in an interface table.Confirmations that were not able to be successfully processed werelogged an "incorrect." After error handling, the confirmation can bere-retrieved again by the report. To do this, choose the Incorrectconfirmations> option. Confirmations successfully put in a batch input session can be readagain by the report and put into a new batch input session. This isrequired if an already created session was lost due to a hardwareerror, for example. To do this, choose the On> function whenrepeating the process. Now you can enter the last access date and timein the interface table. Choose the Off> function if you want to retrieve new or incorrectconfirmations during the repeat run.Further notes By choosing Human Resources> --> Time management> -->Incentive wages> --> Environment> -->Logistics>-->Reorganize>, you can reorganize the interface table bydeleting confirmations. Retrieving confirmations is based on a status tracking thatparticularly effects the status fields of the first and last readaccess. Before the first read access of the interface table, both firstand last read access status contain "access not yet carried out."During the first read access, its status is set once either to"successful" or "unsuccessful". This value is not changed again. Duringeach read access (as well as during the first one), the status of thelast read access is also set as either "successful" or "unsuccessful."This status is reset during each additional read access. During each read access of the interface table, the time of day anduser, as well as status and data, are logged. In addition the date, time of day and user are logged when determiningthe entry (write access) in the interface table. The date, time of dayand user of the first successful read access are logged on the entry.Technical Notes In general, you can add your own data (another time ticket type, forexample) to the time ticket before you put it into the batch inputsession. To do so, you must implement the addition in theEXIT_SAPLHRIW_001>SAP enhancement HRPINW01> function exit.For further information regarding SAP enhancements, refer to OnlineHelp using the Transactions SMOD> and CMOD>. |