New Procedure as of Release 4.0 As of Release 4.0, this report is replaced by the RPWI1100 report. TheRPWI1000 report must be run one more time, however, in order for thedata from the old interface table AFRUHR to be read. If you are distributing for Release 4.0, you must begin this reportabsolutely before> distributing your system.Description This report generates a batch input session to retrieve Logisticsconfirmations using the interface between Logistics and HR. Theretrieved confirmations are stored in a session either as time ticketsor as attendances. It is often necessart to treat confirmations fromPM/PS as attendances, since a labor utilization rate is not necessarilycalculated here. The report supports four operation modes: If Logistics and HR are run in different> (distributed) systems,select the operation mode IDoc>. The operation modesOnline> and Session> are used if Logistics and HR are runin the same> (central) system. The operation modeStatistics> is used both in distributed and in central systems.It generates statistics on the confirmations that have been read. Thedata is not posted. If you select the operation mode IDoc>, the confirmations aretransferred from the Logistics system to HR using ALE functionality. Inthis case, the report must be run in the Logistics system. Forinformation on the required customizing settings, please see the ALEscenario Transfer Logistics confirmations toHR>. A batch input session is then generated during inboundprocessing in the HR system. Time tickets are always posted in oneblock. Attendances are posted one by one. If processing is carried out Online>, the transaction forentering time tickets or attendances is processed in the foreground.This is for test purposes only. The data records are not posted orlogged. The operation mode Session> generates a batch input session. The value in the Number of data records> field determines themaximum number of confirmations that should be processed in one block.An individual session or IDoc can contain more records, however, sinceall confirmations belonging to a personnel number are entered in thesame session or IDoc. The value in the field must always be greaterthan 0. After a block of records has been processed, the database isupdated. One IDoc or session is created for each block. In the operation modes IDoc> and Session>, the reportwrites a log to the interface file which indicates whether theconfirmations were successfully entered in an IDoc or session.Confirmations which have not been processed successfully are logged ascontaining errors. Once the errors have been eliminated, theconfirmation can be retrieved again with the report. To do this, selectthe option Confirmations with errors>. The confirmations which have been entered successfully in a session canbe read again by the report and entered in a new session. It isnecessary to do this if an existing session has been lost due to ahardware error, for example. Select the Activate repeat run>button. You can now specify when the interface file was last accessed(date and time). Press the Deactivate repeat run> key to retrieve new or incorrectconfirmations.Procedure Notes Batch input or IDoc for Incentive Wages: By default, a premium timeticket (time ticket type 01) is generated. Batch input or IDoc for attendances: You can choose the attendance typethe appropriate report parameter. Choose the menu path Human resources> --> Incentive wages>--> Environment> --> Logistics> -->>Reorganize>>> to reorganize the interface fileby deleting confirmations. In a distributed> system, you must bein Logistics to do this. The retrieval of confirmations is based on status monitoring,particularly of the fields "Status of first read access" and "Status oflast read access." Before the interface file is read for the firsttime, both statuses are "Not yet accessed." When the file is read forthe first time, the status is set either to "successful" or"unsuccessful" and is not changed. Each time the file is read(including the first time), the status of the last read access is setto either "successful" or "unsuccessful." The status is reset each timethe file is read. Each time the interface file is read, the system logs the date, time,and user name. When the entry is created in the interface file (write access), thedate, time, and user name are logged. The same information is logged onthe first time the entry was successfully read.Technical notes You can generally add your own data to time tickets (e.g. a differenttime ticket type) before they are entered in the session. In order todo so, you must implement the enhancements to function exitEXIT_SAPLHRIW_001> in the SAP enhancement HRPINW01>. Forinformation on SAP enhancements, please see the online manual ontransactions SMOD> and CMOD>. |