Description This report generates a batch input session for the recordingtransaction PW03> in Incentive Wages. The report supports three operation modes. The operation mode Statistics> generates statistics on theconfirmations that have been read. The data is not posted. If processing is carried out online>, the transaction for timeticket recording is processed in the foreground. This is for testpurposes only. The data records are not posted or logged. The operation mode Session> generates a batch input session. Theentry in the Force update for records> field determines themaximum number of time tickets that should be processed in one block.Procedure The report coding must be modified in several places to suit yourrequirements. The places for modification are indicated as follows:-->MODIFICATION>
- The field string SATZ> has to be modified to be compatible with
the structure of your input file. Define the length of the CHAR fieldsto correspond to the input.
- You must also modify the date conversion. The date of the input file is
adopted as a six-character date.
- Check the assignment of time ticket types. In this case, they are
assigned as follows: Personnel number only --> 01 Group number only --> 02 Personnel number and group number --> 03 The system ignores time tickets which specify neither a personnel nor agroup number. The form set_lstyp> is used here.
- All values in Incentive Wages are maintained with three places after
the decimal point. If you want the values of your input file to beinterpreted with two decimal places, for example, you must multiply thefields by 10. The form set_format> can be used for this purposeand for additional modifications.