SAP Program RPU_FILL_IT595_46C - Anlegen Infotyp 0595 nach Wechsel auf Release 4.6 (öffentl. Dienst D)

Creation of new Family-Related Bonuses infotype (0595) due toconversion of former family-related bonuses.


Only relevant for Public Sector Germany
For Release 4.6C, the family-related bonus functions and the childallowance functions have been reworked. One result of this developmentis the transfer of payment-relevant data from the Family/RelatedPerson infotype (0021) to the new Family-Related Bonusesinfotype (0595). The competition rules have also been moved from theBasic Pay infotype (0008) to the Family-Related Bonusesinfotype (0595) since they are relevant to the family-related bonus.The records for this new infotype are uniquely linked to the existingrecords for the Family/Related Person infotype (0021) using thesubtype and, if applicable, the number of children.

Conversion only for specific personnel numbers
This report uses the existing data for the Family/Related Person(0021) and Basic Pay (0008) infotypes to create the requiredrecords for the Family-Related Bonuses infotype (0595) for allpersonnel numbers. The only exception is the standard client 000. Thisis only necessary for personnel numbers for which the Basic Pay(0008), Recurring Payments/Deduction (0014), AdditionalPayments (0015), and Wage Maintenance contain a wage typethat is indirectly valuated using the module ORTSZ.

Selection using all or individual clients
You can decide whether, as suggested, you want to run the conversionfor all clients or only for the client in which you are logged on. Ifyou only store Public Sector data in your system, you should start theconversion for all clients.
If you use particular clients for private enterprises, in other words,no family-related bonus is applied, you should exclude this client forperformance reasons. To do this, you log on to the clients for whichyou want to start the conversion report.
When is the conversion completed?
Important: This report must be run completely for all personnel numbersbefore you can continue with the master data maintenance. If data isinconsistent, personnel numbers are excluded from the conversion and amessage is displayed in the output list. Start the report again.Personnel numbers for which the Family-Related Bonus infotypehas been processed (identified by flag) are excluded from the repeatedconversion. The number of personnel numbers containing errors isdisplayed for the individual clients and also for all clients. Themessage "Client xy OK" or "All clients OK" only appears when the numberof personnel numbers with errors is zero.
Example of log display;
003 00000000 In client 003, 212 personnel numbers were converted
003 00000000 In client 003, 0 personnel numbers were alreadyconverted
003 00000000 *** Client 003 OK: Personnel numbers converted ***
00000000 *** All clients OK: All personnel numbersconverted ***
Master data maintenance is only possible when the required records forthe Family-Related Bonuses infotype (0595) have been created forall personnel numbers. To do this, particular table entries must beset. This is described in the release notes.

How does the conversion take place?
Firstly, no existing data is deleted. New records are created for theFamily-Related Bonuses infotype (0595). In addition to thesimple conversion of fields from the Family/Related Personinfotype (0021), note the following for the competition rule from theBasic Pay infotype (0008). The information that was previouslylinked to a key from the Competition field is now transferred todifferent fields in the Family-Related Bonuses infotype (0595).For example, a record without entitlement is created from anentitlement to a family-related bonus stored in the Family/RelatedPerson infotype (0021) in connection with competition rule 10 in theBasic Pay infotype (0595). The same applies to the 'Partnerindicator' field which was used in previous releases.

Particular cases of the competition rule
With the new concept, the competition rule has been removed from theBasic Pay infotype (0008). For this reason, differentspecifications for the competition rule may cause inconsistencies indifferent subtypes of the Basic Pay infotype (0008) or theWage Maintenance infotype (0052). The following message isdisplayed in the report output if inconsistencies occur:
003 25999014,,on 01.07.1999 unequal competition rule 06 in IT0008and 01 in subtype 4
003 25999014,,am 01.07.1999 unequal competition rule 06 in IT0008and ' ' in IT0052
The ' ' stands for a blank character.
If this is the case, the conversion still takes place. Only the valuesfrom the Basis Pay infotype (0008) are relevant for theentitlement to family-related bonuses. If you use different wage typesfor the family-related bonus, you should check the family-related bonusrules in the subtypes for the Basic Pay infotype (0008) and theWage Maintenance infotype (0052).
The records should also be checked if you use family-related bonus rule99 with a variable element (numerator/denominator for competition) forchildren. Previously, all children were included in this stare in theBasic Pay infotype (0008). The reduction factor is now stored inthe new Family-Related Bonuses infotype (0595) for each child.The conversion report takes the existing values for thenumerator/denominator from the Basic Pay infotype (0008) andstores them for each individual child (infotype 0595, subtype 2).
In this case, the message displayed may be as follows:
003 25999015,,all IT0595 subtype 2 for 23.05.1999: % rate checkvariable element
Other messages refer to invalid values for competition rules andmissing entries in table T577. If such errors occur, the conversion ofthe personnel numbers does not take place. A red traffic light isdisplayed in the first column 'Exception' and the values must beedited, for example, by maintaining T577. This must be done before theconversion report is called again for the personnel number.
After a successful conversion, you should carry out random checks forpersonnel numbers over a period to which payroll is still run using thecheck report RPLOZPD0PBS. The report shows wherethe new indirect valuation of the family-related bonus differs fromresults of the payroll run.

Since master data maintenance has been locked using table T5D8R, thereport does not lock the personnel numbers. If, for any reason, youneed to remove the lock so that maintenance of the Child Allowance
is released, you should run the report at a time in which no livemaintenance of the infotype takes place. Other infotypes are notaffected here.


When you leave the default settings for the selection, the requiredFamily-Related Bonus infotype (0595) records are created in allclients.

The report displays a list of messages showing any errors in thedataset for each client and personnel number. The number of convertedand unconverted personnel numbers are shown for each client.
The conversion is only complete when the message
,, *** All clients OK: All personnel numbers converted ***
or, at the start of the report for a client, the message
003 00000000 *** Client 003 OK: Personnel numbers converted ***
appears. You can then activate master data maintenance.