Title Upload program for Norwegian occupation codes Purpose This program is used for uploading Norwegian occupation codes(yrkeskoder) to the appropriate table. Format of file: The upload file must have following line structure: - Yrkeskode - Løpenr. - Yrkestittel Each of the three elements must be divided by a semi-colon. Example ,,1210;101;BANKDIREKTØR ,,9210;105;MOSEPLUKKER A complete list of yrkeskoder is accessible on the homepage ofStatistisk Sentralbyrå (SSB). Current address: ,,,,,,http:// www.ssb.no/emner/06/yrkeskatalog/. A local copy of the list appering under 'Lagre hele yrkeskatalogen' isneeded in the format described above. Be sure to save it as a .txt -file. Integration The Yrkeskoder are mainly needed for reporting of AA-registeret. In thefuture, they might ylso be used by Lønnsstatistikken from SSB. Features Selection You are able to decide if the complete list of occupation codes is tobe modified or just new codes to be added. A date is provided that defines the begin of the validity interval ofthe according (new) codes. If you choose modifying the complete list the input file is regarded tocontain all valid occupation codes. If an existing code is not foundin the upload list, this is delimited in the table. Appending new codes is for input of additional codes. Then the filecontent is regarded as containing just codes to be added. Existingvalid codes will not be touched. A test flag lets you validate the outcome of the report withoutupdating the database. Output As output a complete list of the occupation codes is shown that arestored in the system. Activities Use this report for updating the list of occupation codes. |