Description This program transfers external data to cluster DA in file PCL2. When the data is transferred, existing data can either be overwrittenor retained. The following options are available:
- Delete all tables:
All DA tables for a processed personnel number are deleted
- Delete processed tables:
Only DA tables for which data is to be transferred are deleted for aperson.
- Tables retained:
New records for the DA tables are added to the old ones The table type must be given in an input record to determine the tablethat is to be filled. The structure of the input record is dependant onthe table type You can use the following table types:
- BE Actual contribution (DA table DABE)
- BF Fictitious contribution (DA table DABF)
- EE Actual income (DA table DAEE)
- EF Fictitious income (DA table DAEF)
- RP Reimbursement amounts (DA table DABE_RP)
- BT Transfer amounts (DA table DABE_BT)
- GP Vested interests (DA table DAGP)
- UA Vested pension entitlements (DA table DAUA)
- ST Processing status (DA table DAST)
- SO Other information (DA table DASO)
Precondition If you want to use the program to delete the cluster for an employeebefore the transfer has taken place, the input data must be sorted. The'Sort File' option ensures that the complete file is imported and theDB export is executed using a sorted extract. Each table type requires a specific input structure. These structuresare defined for each type in the ABAP Dictionary and can be seen there.
- BE: Structure P01C_OLDBE
- BF: Structure P01C_OLDBF
- EE: Structure P01C_OLDEE
- EF: Structure P01C_OLDEF
- RP: Structure P01C_OLDRP
- BT: Structure P01C_OLDBT
- GP: Structure P01C_OLDGP
- UA: Structure P01C_OLDUA
- ST: Structure P01C_OLDST
- SO: Structure P01C_OLDSO
Output As long as the input records are suitable for the checks, they areexported to the corresponding table in cluster DA in file PCL2.