Purpose 1) Conversion program to update >Additional Personal Data >> infotype (0077) records with veteran category information> In accordance with 2007 VEVRAA/JVA legal requirements, employees must beidentified, where applicable, by the following veteran categories: o,,Special Disabled veteran o,,Vietnam-era veteran o,,Other Protected veteran o,,Recently separated veteran o,,Armed Forces Service Medal veteran o,,Disabled veteran o,,Non veteran Before the establishment of the 2007 requirements, veteran categoryinformation was maintained in one field: PA0077-VETST. However, in lightof the increased number of veteran categories in 2007, this informationcan no longer be accommodated in a single field. Therefore, to handle the new 2007 categories and to accommodateadditional categories that may be introduced in the future, the standardsystem has been modified by the introduction of twelve new fields:PA0077-VETS1 through PA0077-VETS12. For Additional Personal Data> infotype (0077) records that predatethe legal requirements established in 2007, veteran category informationthat is stored in PA0077-VETST must be converted for storage in the newfields by executing this report. 2) Recording the Discharge Date >in Additional PersonalData> infotype (0077) records> A new field has been added to the Additional Personal Data>infotype (0077)screen to record the discharge date of veteran employees.An entry in this field is required if the employee is a recentlyseparated veteran. Thus, this conversion program also fulfills thepurpose of identifying employees whose status is Recently separatedveteran,> but for whom no Discharge Date> has been maintained.Once the list of employees is provided in the output of this program,the HR Administrator can manually enter the discharge date for theseemployees.Integration Execute this program to update the new fields that have been added totable PA0077 to record the veteran statuses maintained for employees theAdditional Personal Data> infotype (0077). This report can also beused to find Additional Personal Data> infotype (0077) recordswith incomplete data, for which a discharge date must be maintained.Prerequisites Before running this program, ensure that you have applied the HR SupportPackage(s) indicated for your release in SAP Note 1093793. Before running the component of this conversion program to identify thelack of discharge dates, you must convert the data for these records. Inother words, the conversion of veteran category information must takeplace before the absence of discharge dates for newly separated veteranscan be determined. Selection The selection criteria are as follows. o,,Personnel Number o,,Company Code o,,Personnel Area o,,Personnel Subarea o,,Employee group o,,Employee subgroup o,,Cost Center Two additional selection options, described below, are delivered withthis report. One performs the conversion of data for storage in the newtable PA0077 fields, while the other displays Additional PersonalData> infotype (0077) records with incomplete data for newly separatedveterans. 1.,,Convert Infotype 0077 Data - This option instructs the report tofind records per the selection criteria and to convert all Additional Personal Data> infotype (0077) records for these personnelnumbers. Any pre-existing data maintained in field VETST will betransferred for storage in the new fields VETS1 through VETS12, usingview V_T5UVET as a reference. a.,,Test Mode - This checkbox is active only for the infotype dataconversion radio button. This ensures that no data updates are performedfor the records specified on the selection screen. By selecting thisoption and running the program, users can view the records that wouldappear in the output, as well as the data conversion and mapping thatwould take place if the report were run in productive mode. Users cande-select this option and run the report to perform database updates. b.,,Display Success list -This option enables users to choose whether ornot to display the successful records in the output. This option also isonly active for infotype data conversion. 2.,,Display Inconsistent Data - When selected, this option displays allrecords for employees who are recently separated veterans and for whomthe discharge date is not maintained.Standard_variants No standard variants are delivered with this program. Output 1.,,Convert Infotype 77 Data - This option in the report when chosen,converts all the info type 77 data so as to map the old field VETST tothe new fields VETS1 to VETS12. The output would contain the Personnelnumber with the begin date and the end date of the record, along withthe current veteran status and the proposed values that would be storedin fields VETS1 to VETS12. So essentially, although the data stored inthe back end has changed, processing on the Additional Personal Data > infotype (0077) screen would remain unchanged. The SAP List Vieweroutput with the data mentioned above is accompanied with an error log,which can be viewed by choosing a corresponding icon at the top of thescreen. This serves to display the statistics of the number ofsuccessful personnel numbers and the number of personnel numbers witherrors. You can choose to view specific messages for all the personnelnumbers which that have errors, along with the error message attached tothem. 2.,,Display Inconsistent data - This would display all personnel numbersfor employees who are recently separated veterans and for whom thedischarge date is not maintained, including the begin date and the enddate of all such records.Example An example of the data conversion that would occur upon executing thisreport is provided below. Suppose an employee has been assigned Veteran Status> >C >, meaning that he is a Vietnam Era, Newly Separated Veteran and OtherProtected Veteran. The Veteran Status> of this employee has beencorrespondingly stored in his Additional Personal Data> infotype(0077) record. In this scenario, once the present conversion program hasbeen executed, the following resultant data would be stored in the newfields. In accordance with the revised design, the veteran statuseswould be mapped as shown below. V1 - Non veteran V2 - Special Disabled veteran V3 - Vietnam Era veteran V4 - Other protected veteran V5 - Recently Separated veteran V6 - Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran V7 - Disabled veteran The output of the conversion program in this scenario would be asfollows: Personnel Number,,,,Veteran Status VETS1,,VETS2 VETS3,,VETS4,,VEST5 VETS6 VETS7 XXXXXX,,,,,,,,C,, V3,, V5,, V4 |