Description This program interfaces Member's Salary Changes in a format compatiblewith the USS Ltd's requirements. Employees to be processed are selected using "Standard PNP Selection"and the data for each is selected for a specific "Return Year". Requirements 1) The Wage Type Groups USS5 can be populated with the relevant Wage Types; USS5 Warning/Exception Wage Types (optional) These table entries can be maintained using view V_T52D7. 2) The USS relevant Pension Schemes MUST be populated in the new table T5GPBS_USS. (Otherwise NO employees will be selected forprocessing). These table entries can be maintained using view V_T5GPBSUSS. 3) The USS Institution Code that is used to identify the university that is using this progam MUST be populated in the Constants Table T77S0. This table entry can be maintained using view V_T77S0_GB_HER. 4) The Number Range that is used to UNIQUELY identify every interface run that is NOT in "Test Mode" MUST be initialised. The Number Range Object is called "P08_USSC" the Number Range is '02'. The Number Range can be initialised using the transaction SNRO. 5) The Salary Calculation MUST be customisied to your specific needs, so that the "Salary Calculation" Function Module can derive the Member's Salary at a specific date. a) Customise a Wage Type (Grouping) to be used to group your Wage Types that should be evaluated when calculating salary or use the Standard SAP pre-delivered one, USAL. Use transaction PU30 to copy "USAL", if necessary. b) Customise the feature "GSALC" to attach the correct Wage Type (Grouping) to the correct Employee Group. Use transaction PE03 to change the standard feature "GSALC". c) Customise the Wage Types that should be evaluated when calculating salary for each Wage Type (Grouping). These table entries can be maintained using view V_T539J_B. The MODULE name is "ANSAL". Output The data can be output to the ALV (ABAP List Viewer), TemSe (InternalTemporary Storage System) or File System (e.g. Unix Box). If TemSe ischosen as the preferred output, then a further program RPUHERG0 must berun to download the TemSe file to you Work Station (e.g. P.C.). If the program is run in "Test Mode", NO interface file is created.Instead an extract file by Personnel Number is output to the ALV andALL errors and warnings reported. If the program is NOT run in "Test Mode", an interface file is created.Also a control record is created showing details of the interface run(i.e. User, Date, Time, employees run/selected/failed/successful etc).These records can be viewed using the view V_P08P_USSC. Also onlypertinent Errors and Warnings are shown after running the report. Example This interface is normally run once a year, AFTER year end, for ALLrelevant employees. If ALL employees are selected (processing will bemuch slower!) then only those that satisfy the following will beprocessed; 1) Active during Return Year in Infotype 0000. 2) IT0071 with subtype on the new table T5GPBS_USS at the end of the Return Year. |