The previous interface version automatically determined the postingcurrency. In the current version, you must enter the currency.Remittance items which have been written under 3.x, and which have notyet been posted would cause a problem when being processed by thisinterface. Therefore, a new 'Currency' field has been added to the thirdparty remittance table. Enter the currency in this field. (The defaultcurrency is U.S. dollars). You can define whether to update those items which haven't beentransferred to FI yet, or all items. If you choose to convert only thoseitems which aren't yet posted, it will result in increased performance.However, this will also change the look of the reconciliation reports. The new interface concept operates with a four digit symbolic account.Remittance items written under 3.x still have the two digit format. Thiswill cause problems with the debiting of remittance items in theinterface. During the upgrade to 4.0, the symbolic accounts are converted by addingthe country modifier in front of the first two digits (D1 -> 10D1 forthe US). You can define the prefix for the symbolic accounts. Theconversion program checks whether this new symbolic account exists. Ifnot, the symbolic account will be displayed in an error log. Parameters: Old entry : D1__ Prefix : 10 New Entry : 10D1 Precondition Output |