Purpose Use this report to compare an employee's existing Tax Areas (resident/work) in the Residence Tax Area> (0207) and Work Tax Area>(0208) infotypes with the values recommended by the BSI Tax Locator.Selection Key Date> You can run the report for any date. Selection> You can select the employees to be audited, based on the followingcriteria:
- Personnel Number
- Employment Status
- Company Code
- Payroll Area
- Personal Area/Personal Subarea/Cost Center
- Employee Group/Employee Subgroup
Processing Options> Here, you can specify whether the report should compare Residence TaxAreas, Work Tax Areas, or both. Display Options> Here, you can specify whether the report should display all employees oremployees who conform to BSI values (that is, where the employee'sexisting Tax Areas (residence/ work) in IT 207/ 208 are the same as BSITax Locator's recommended areas), or employees who do not conform tothese BSI values.Output The report compares an employee's existing Tax Areas (residence/ work)with BSI Tax Locator's recommended areas and displays the comparison asa list, using the SAP List Viewer. You can display the followingscreens: Successful Employees List> This screen displays a list of all successful employees with conformance(traffic light) icons for Infotype 207/208 Tax Area and BSI RecommendedTax Areas. In the standard system, the other fields in the display areemployee-specific, such as personal area, personal subarea, payroll areaand address type. You can also select location-specific fields, andadditional employee-specific fields from the list and save yourselection as a variant. Rejected Employees List> This screen displays a list of all employees rejected during theprocessing. In the standard system, the other fields in the display areemployee-specific such as personal area, personal subarea, payroll areaand address type. In addition, you can select location-specific fieldsand other employee-specific fields from the list. Address and Tax Authorities Details> You can select an employee in the Successful Employees List / RejectedEmployees list to display the Address and Tax Authorities Details. Inthe standard system, the other fields in the output areemployee-specific, such as the employee name. You can select additionalemployee-specific fields from the list.