SAP Program RPUTXLU0 - US: BSI TaxLocator Audit Report

Use this report to compare an employee's existing Tax Areas (resident/work) in the Residence Tax Area (0207) and Work Tax Area(0208) infotypes with the values recommended by the BSI Tax Locator.

Key Date
You can run the report for any date.
You can select the employees to be audited, based on the followingcriteria:

  • Personnel Number

  • Employment Status

  • Company Code

  • Payroll Area

  • Personal Area/Personal Subarea/Cost Center

  • Employee Group/Employee Subgroup

  • Processing Options
    Here, you can specify whether the report should compare Residence TaxAreas, Work Tax Areas, or both.
    Display Options
    Here, you can specify whether the report should display all employees oremployees who conform to BSI values (that is, where the employee'sexisting Tax Areas (residence/ work) in IT 207/ 208 are the same as BSITax Locator's recommended areas), or employees who do not conform tothese BSI values.

    The report compares an employee's existing Tax Areas (residence/ work)with BSI Tax Locator's recommended areas and displays the comparison asa list, using the SAP List Viewer. You can display the followingscreens:
    Successful Employees List
    This screen displays a list of all successful employees with conformance(traffic light) icons for Infotype 207/208 Tax Area and BSI RecommendedTax Areas. In the standard system, the other fields in the display areemployee-specific, such as personal area, personal subarea, payroll areaand address type. You can also select location-specific fields, andadditional employee-specific fields from the list and save yourselection as a variant.
    Rejected Employees List
    This screen displays a list of all employees rejected during theprocessing. In the standard system, the other fields in the display areemployee-specific such as personal area, personal subarea, payroll areaand address type. In addition, you can select location-specific fieldsand other employee-specific fields from the list.
    Address and Tax Authorities Details
    You can select an employee in the Successful Employees List / RejectedEmployees list to display the Address and Tax Authorities Details. Inthe standard system, the other fields in the output areemployee-specific, such as the employee name. You can select additionalemployee-specific fields from the list.