Description This report processes TemSe objects created by report RPCD3TD0 ('CreateDEUEV notification file'), and creates EDI files for the CoCoNet´s KKSsystem. As report RPCD3TD0 creates a single TemSe object with DEUEVnotifications for every sending personnel area and every recipientfund, you must start report RPUTSVD5 individually for everysender-recipient pair, for which you want to transfer DEUEVnotifications via EDI. In the log for RPCD3TD0, a ('Send') icon appears for eachsender-recipient pair, for which the EDI transfer is possible.Recommendation: Start the existing report directly from the log forRPCD3TD0 by clicking on the appropriate icon with the mouse. The reportparameters (sender, recipient, other) are then automatically filled outwith the correct entries. Precondition In table T5D15, there must be an entry with procedure ID 'DEUEVM' forevery personnel area/subarea and every payee fund. The respective payeefund (for DEUEV notifications) is entered as EDI recipient in tableT5D15. Output The report requires data on the sender and recipient of the DEUEVnotifications contained in the TemSe object. These are checked againstthe sender and recipient company numbers from the TemSe oject. You donot need to fill out these fields when accessing RPUTSVD5 from the logof report RPCD3TD0. The report has the following parameters:
- Test run
- Order record log
- DEUEV notifications log
- Prevent DEUEV file counter verification
No EDI files are created in the test run. The order record log andDEUEV notifications log show the contents of the EDI files created(order file DUEVMnnn.AUF bzw. transaction data file DUEVMnnn). TheDEUEV file counter from the previous record of DEUEV notifications iswritten to table T5D15. On starting report RPUTSVD5, the current DEUEVfile counter from the TemSe object is verified with the file counterfrom T5D15. If they are both equal, no EDI files are created. This issupposed to prevent the same TemSe object being processedconsequitively several times, causing the DEUEV notifications to besent via EDI several times. If an EDI file already created should berecreated for any reason, the 'Prevent file no. Verification' parametercan be set.