Description This report at first lists all of employees who has the value on/offforthe field 'Pay scale group change indicator'(P0147-PSCHG) ininfotype 0147 (Personnel appraisals JP). Then you can change the value of this field for the selected employeeson the list. RESET N1 Program parameters Appraisal period The appraisal period enterd on the selection screen must be same as theperiods of the infotype. The last one which is valid in this periodwill be processed if not same. Appraisal type Appraisal type of infotype 0147 (Subtype) Pay scale group change ? Control switch to list the employees. Off(space): Employees who will not be processed by RPUTRFJ1. On ('X') : Employees who will be processed by RPUTRFJ1. |