Description Periodical pay increase according to the personnel appraisal will beprocessed by this program. This program creates the batch input session to change the pay scalelevel in infotype 0008 (Basic pay) for the employees indicated to beprocessed in infotype 0147 (Personnel appraisals JP). Enter the final personnel appraisal results. The number of difference in level will be stored into infotype 0147from table T5J14/T5J15 according to the results. Select the employees to be processed via report RPUTRFJ2. Execute this program. Create infotype 0008 (Batch input session). The employees will bere-assigned to the new pay scale level. RESET N1 Set up table T5J14/T5J15 The relationship between the appraisal result and the difference inlevel is stored in these table. Use T5J14 if using the rank forappraisal and T5J15 for points. Note that the value will be stored into infotype 0147 when creating theappraisal infotype. This report do not read theses table directly butindirectly through the infotype record. Set up table T5J59 The chain of the level in pay scale group is defined in T5J59. RESET N1 Output Batch input session to create the new record of infotype 0008. The log will be reported after the execution. Program parameters Appraisal period Please enter the period which is same as the infotype record. If not,the last entry valid in this period will be read. Pay increase date Begin date of the new infotype record. End date is set on high-date. Generate batch input session ? You can execute this report without creating BI session if deactivatingthis checkbox. Only the log is reported (simulation). |