Purpose This table creates a customizing transport order containing allcustomizing tables of the SAP/ADP interface. Integration
- This transport order transfers all of the following tables:
Dynamic Mapping for the interface: infotypes >(T5F60) Dynamic Mapping for the interface: clusters >(T5F61) Dynamic Mapping for the interface: wage types = Basic data>(T5F62) Dynamic Mapping for the interface: interfaced wage types >(T5F63) Recodification table interface >(T5F64) Interface: Payroll area PAC link >(T5F67) TEDC TDT >(T5F68) TEDC DDT >(T5F69) Dynamic mapping for the interface: DDIC ADP (309FF) (>T5F6B) M-1 management of presence incidents (SAP/ADP interface) >(T5F6F) ADP Interface table of texts for PAC >(T5F6T) Interface: PAC link type of processing >(T5F6U) TEDC TDT >(T5F68) TEDC DDT> (T5F69) The content of table TEDC VR (T5F6A) is partially transferred as thecontent relating to user profiles and authorizations as well as the PACsis not to be included in the transfer. Note The new 2.5 version can transfer the content of tables T5F64, T5F67,T5F68, T5F69, T5F6B, T5F6F, T5F6F and T5F6T using the secondary andmaster PAC data that you have previously selected.Activities Enter a customizing transport order number in the selection screen. In the new 2.5 version, enter the secondary and master PAC of yourchoice to transfer only the data that corresponds to these PACs. Example As a test operation, transfer the development system customizing to thequalification system.