Description TemSe viewer for forms 770 and CUD. Precondition For CUD2003 (employee single statement) (transaction SE38 -> RPCFUDI0)this TemSe viewer has been changed so that program results can bedisplayed without running the program again. Output On the selection screen you must enter the TemSe file name afterselecting it from the available file names (F4 Help). Example: data calculated from CUD 2003. In this way, the list of TemSe objects is diplayed. By double-clickingon any object and then selecting the execution button (or pressing F8)you can see the file content list along with some header information. By selecting the pushbutton "Personnel number display", you can accessanother display of TemSe file for CUD2003, which is loaded and checksfor all employees included in the file. The first list column is acheckbox that indicates whether the personnel number in question hasbeen selected or not. Now, the user can select one or more personnelnumbers from the list to print or display the selected personnel numberdata ONLY. To select an individual personnel number, double-click on any linecolumn corresponding to the employee to be processed. To deselect,double-click on the same line again. To select all personnel numbers of a file, click on icon "Select all"from the toolbar. To deselect, click on icon "Deselect all" near thefirst one. To select a block (= n progressive employees of the list), click on thefirst employee to be selected, the click on icon "Select block" and thenon the last employee to be selected. Click then on the same icon. Todeselect the block, repeat the above-described steps for selecting ablock, but press instead icon "Deselect block". IMPORTANT: to select a single employee, you must double-click on theline corresponding to the employee. It is not enough to click on thecheckbox. The available functions for employees selected are listed below: Display result table: this function allows you to display the resulttable for selected employees (table VARTAB). If you use functions ofthis display list, you can also download the table onto your PC in Excelformat; Calculate totals: this function calculates totals as the programRPCFUDI0> usually does. All values in boxes arecumulated, if a box contains an amount, except for boxes B62 and B66 (SIboxes). Example: if box B1 contains an amount, the program adds up all amountsexisting in box B1 for the selected employees. IMPORTANT: totals are always calculated for selected employees. To gettotals for all employees, you must select all employees. CUD printing (SAPScript): this function allows you to activate printfunction and the dialog box for print preview for the selected personnelnumbers. IMPORTANT: SAP suggests using this function for small employee groupsonly. Processing a too high number of employees may cause performanceproblems. If print or print preview is required for many employees, usethe background print function. Background print: if you activate the background print button, thisprocess is initialized and run start is planned after 10 seconds. Totrace the process run, you can display the process BEFORE run throughtransaction SM59 (up to 10 seconds after selecting the pushbutton).After this time frame, you can check the print process using transactionSM58. Once run is completed, an output request is generated. Output canbe executed using transaction SP02.Additional-hints TemSe files are temporary files in the R/3 system and are automaticallydeleted after a certain time frame, which cannot be set up inprogramming. This operation must be carried out via Feature TemSe. ForOBJKN CUDA03, the characteristic value should be a number as high as100000 to avoid losing the TemSe files generated by CUD. |