Description This program allows TemSe (temporary sequential) files to be viewed anddownloaded. F4 help on the selection screen (Name of TemSe file> field) listsall available TemSe files created by Great Britain payroll reports.Transaction SP11 can be used to administrate TemSe files in the system.Output Given the full name of a TemSe file, the main screen displays the fileattributes and the first lines of each record. Individual records canbe selected for display or records of a certain type can be listedusing table control (subject to a maximum of 20 fields). The Download to PC> option allows you to enter the file name andpath appropriate to the presentation server. Downloading in thesuggested binary format will maintain intentional spaces in the file. Downloading to Unix prompts for the full path and file name. If theUnix file already exists, it will be overwritten. |