SAP Program RPUTMSE0 - TemSe files display and download

This report displays the TemSe files generated by the correspondingprograms in the HR-Spain module.

A TemSe type file must have been previously generated by an evaluationprogram, for example: program RPC190E0 to generate the annual statementof employment tax deductions.
Accepted TemSe objects:

  • Annual statement of employment tax (IRPF) deductions and payments for
  • the Internal Revenue Service.
    • Social insurance affiliation message

    • Issue of social insurance contribution slips.
    • Output
      The program displays the contents of the entire TemSe file.
      You can carry out file management directly from the generating report(eg RPC190E0) output, using the button than appears on the output screenif you select a data medium output on the selection screen.
      You can also use the payroll management menu to recover the differenttypes of records that form the file and display them in detail. Thedetailed display allows you to generate an MS-Word or MS-Excel typefile. You can also save the TemSe file to a data medium (Download).

      You must save the TemSe file generated by the program RPC190E0 (annualstatment of deductions 190) on a diskette in order to submit in to thecorresponding authorities.

918745HR SP ES26: Cambio 58
1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1231640ES28: RPUTMSE0: Errors in the segments FCT and DAM for AFI
1066183ES26.11: Download of Temse file generates a dump
746979HR SP ES25 - Contenido - Content Description
806480HR SP ES25 - Cambio 43
759273HR SP ES25 - Cambio 04