Tax Code Uplift Report >(RPUTCUG0) Use The Tax Code Uplift Report (RPUTCUG0) allows you to update tax codes foryour employees in a single step, rather than manually enteringinformation on employees' infotype Tax Data GB >(0065) records.Report RPUTCUG0 does so by creating a batch input session which you thenprocess to create new infotype 0065 records for all employees whose taxcodes have changed. Although the Tax Code Uplift Report is designed primarily for use at thestart of the new tax year, you may also need to run it during the taxyear, according to the instructions on a form P7X.Integration If you have implemented the e-Filing for Great Britain: Incoming>component, you no longer need to run Report RPUTCUG0 to upload tax codesfrom P6(T) / P9(T) forms. This part of the Tax Code Uplift Report>functionality is now incorporated within e-Filing for GreatBritain: Incoming >processing. For more information on e-Filing for Great Britain: Incoming,>see: e-Filing: Report RPUEFI_START_POLL> e-Filing: RPUEFI_UPDATE (Update Manager)>Prerequisites
- To upload P6(T) / P9(T) forms from your application server, the file
must be organised in records of 2056 bytes. Each record must contain ablock of data comprising: 6 bytes of block and 2 bytes of record organisation data 31 "65-character" records 33 bytes of uninitialised filler
- To upload the file from the presentation server, it must be organised in
records of 65 bytes. Each record must consist of one 65-characterrecord. Notes:> Details on the data set layout obtained from the Inland Revenue can befound in the document Code Number Changes on Magnetic Media (MT1) >, located on the Inland Revenue Website. In the SAP system, general instructions to increase or decrease taxcodes given on forms P9X (Start-of-Year) or P7X (during the tax year)are replicated in the customising table Tax increase and limit forGB >(V_T5G03). The settings in this table are a precondition tocorrectly apply the general instructions. SAP will deliver all required updates for these table entries via HumanResources Support Packages (HRSPs). You can display the annual tax code uplift/decrease information in theImplementation Guide (IMG) for Payroll Great Britain>, under:Start-of-Year Processing >-> Set Up Annual Uplift>. We recommend that you do not maintain this view yourself, as it containsstatutory information. When there are statutory changes to be made, youwill receive an update from SAP via a Human Resources Support Package(HRSP). RESET N1Features Running the Tax Code Uplift Report More Than Once You can run this report several times, to process the instructions fromform P9X (start of tax year) or P7X (during the tax year) in discreetsteps. However, you may wish to apply the P9X/P7X instructions in asingle report run to save processing time. If you decide to run report RPUTCUG0 for the same set of employees inseveral steps, you must ensure that you firstly apply the batch inputsession created in each run before >running the report again. To avoid multiple application of the instructions on the forms to yoursystem, you must be clear about the rules used by the report to decidewhen new infotype records are created. Specifically, for this report, anew infotype 0065 record is not >created for employees: Who are inactive> on the date contained in the field Validitybegin f.copied recrds>. Who do not have an infotype 0065 record valid on the date contained inthe field Validity begin f.copied recrds>. With an infotype 0065 record starting later than the date contained inthe field Validity begin f.copied recrds>.Specifying a P6/P9 Data Source When uplifting P6(T) / P9(T) forms, a new infotype 0065 record will becreated for all P6(T) / P9(T) forms on the data medium where:
- The NI number recorded on the form can be matched to the NI number of an
employee selected by the report. (Note that the last character of the NInumber is ignored when matching NI numbers on the tape with NI numbersin the system).
- The form does not contain an NI number but only a works number, where
that works number can be matched to the personnel number of a selectedemployee without a NI number.Applying a General Uplift If report RPUTCUG0 is executed with the indicator Apply GeneralUplift >set, a new infotype 0065 record will be created for allemployees to whom the general uplift rules from form P7X/P9X apply. Therules are delivered by SAP in the customising table Tax increase andlimit for GB >(V_T5G03). Further exceptions are detailed below: Employees for whom a new tax infotype record has already beencreated due to a P6(T) / P9(T) form obtained in conjunction with theP7X/P9X form in process. > This record may have been created: In the current report run In a previous report run By another process that changes tax codes (manual update, e-filing) No new infotype record will be created. The report checks for the existence of an infotype 0065 record with atax code source 'P6 form' or 'P9 form' that starts on or after theeffective date of the P7X/P9X in process, but no later than the date youhave maintained in the field Validity begin f.copied recrds>. The effective date represents the date the tax code changes have to beapplied and is specified on form P7X/P9X. The report derives this datefrom the start date of the latest record in table V_T5G03 (P7X) or thestart date of the tax year (P9X). Employees to whom the general uplift rules from form P7X/P9X havealready been applied in a previous run of the report. > No new infotype record will be created. RESET N1Processing Unchanged Tax Codes If the report is executed with the indicator Process unchanged taxcodes> set, a new infotype 0065 record will be created for allemployees. Further exceptions to this are: Employees for whom a new tax infotype record has already been createddue to a P9(T) form obtained in conjunction with the P9X form in process(see above). Employees to whom the general uplift rules from the P9X form in processhave already been applied, and where a corresponding infotype 0065record has thus been created. This infotype record may have beencreated: RESET N1 In the current report run In a previous report run By manual tax code changes The report checks for the existence of an infotype 0065 record with atax code source 'P9X form' that starts on or after the effective dateof the P9X in process, but no later than the date you have maintained inthe field Validity begin f.copied recrds>.Output The Tax Code Uplift Report >produces a SAP List Viewer (ALV)output of all selected employees, grouped according to the type ofprocessing that has taken place. Where a tax code is changed, the sourceof the change is indicated. Where the tax code is unchanged due to anexceptional situation as described above, the output is also groupedaccording to the exception. By choosing the Batch input >process, you can move from theinitial ALV output directly to the processing of the batch inputsession. The Records rejected >option allows you to display allP6(T) / P9(T) forms on the data medium where a match by NI number orWorks number (for forms without NI number specified) could not beachieved with any employee record in the system valid on the datecontained in the field Validity begin f.copied recrds>.Activities First, maintain your required selection criteria in the Selection>group box. The subsequent selection criteria you specify depend onyour reasons for running theTax Code Uplift Report.>If you run the program as part of Start-of-Year processing: Select the Start of Year> radio button. Specify a validity begin date for new infotype records using the fieldValidity begin f.copied recrds>. You usually set this date to the start date of the tax year. However,you can also enter a later date in this field. New infotype records willbe created starting on this date. Set the Apply General Uplift >indicator to apply generalinstructions from form P9X to increase or decrease tax codes foremployees without a new tax code on form P9(T). New infotype recordswill be created with a cumulative tax base. Set the Process unchanged tax codes> indicator >to create anew infotype Tax Data GB> (0065) record for employees whose taxdata remain unchanged after application of the P9(T) form or the generaluplift rules. Setting this indicator means that all infotype 0065 records unchanged byeither the P9(T) forms or the general uplift instructions are copied forthe new tax year, and all Week1/Month1 employees are converted to acumulative tax base. Specify a Batch session name>. Specify the location of the stored P9(T) dataset in the relevant fieldin the P6(T)/P9(T) data source> group box, if you need to uploadP9(T) forms from a data medium. Execute report RPUTCUG0. RESET N1 Note>: Select a combination of the above options in order to apply all>instructions from form P9X in a single run of report RPUTCUG0.If you run the program as part of P7X processing during> the taxyear: Deselect the Start of Year >radio button. Specify a validity begin date for new infotype records using the fieldValidity begin f.copied recrds>. If you are processing instructions from a P7X form, you normally setthis date to the effective date stated on the form. New infotype 0065 records will be created starting on this date. Set the Apply General Uplift> indicator if you wish to applygeneral instructions to increase or decrease tax codes from form P7X foremployees who have not received a new tax code from your Inland Revenueoffice. Note>: Do not >set the Process unchanged tax codes > indicator asit is relevant for Start-of-Year processing only. Specify a Batch session> name. Specify the location of the stored P6(T) dataset in the relevant fieldin the P6(T)/P9(T) data source> group box, if you need to uploadP6(T) forms from a data medium. To apply the general instructions from form P7X, and to upload a P6(T)data set according to the specifications on form P7X in a single run,specify a dataset in the relevant P6/P9 data source field and set theApply General Uplift> indicator. Execute report RPUTCUG0. Note>: Tax data records of employees covered neither by the P6(T) forms nor bythe general instructions from the P7X will remain unaltered.